Message for the First Day of Navratri September 2019
Message for the First Day of Navratri September 2019 Read More »
If we take an example from life, we see the highest example of worldly love between a mother and a child. Think of a mother with her helpless infant. The mother dotes on the child. She is so filled with love for the child that there is no place inside her for anger. The infant
Green Tara – Start Delegating Goddesses urge you today to ask for help and be open for receiving it. Many times we don’t delegate tasks or ask for help because we feel the other wont be able to the task well or fast enough. In the process we create mistrust, misunderstanding for the other and
Kuan Yin – Compassion Sekhmet – Be Strong This day the Goddesses ask you to be compassionate to yourself and others. Compassion is not pity or sympathy. Pity comes from weakness, Compassion comes from strength. Someone who is not strong within cannot hold compassion for anyone. Kuan Yin is the Goddess of compassion and mercy
Goddess Coventina – Purification Today the Goddesses urge you to cleanse your body and mind of toxins and clutter. Navratras are a beautiful time for detoxification of the body as we fast and pursue spiritual and religious activities. Toxins from the body can be cleared by fasting and going on a diet that aids detox
Pele – Divine Passion Deep down we always know where our passions are. If you are confused about it, look at all the big or small activities you do that generate immense happiness and joy within you. Goddess Pele asks you today to focus on your divine passion. Every passion is divine because every human
Brigit – Don’t Back Down Truth is not about polarities in absolute. Truth is always relative. If ever there was a time when you were confused about whats the truth, it was in the past. Today you know whats your truth. The experiences have taught you to stand your ground and hold on to whats
White Tara – Sensitivity Today is about honouring yourself and your sensitivities. You are becoming highly sensitive to energies. Contrary to what most people believe, being sensitive is not something bad. In fact it is a blessing because sensitivity helps you know what is really going on, what other people are feeling, the energies of
Dussehra is known as the day of victory of good over evil. But how do we define good and evil. What is good for one person may be bad for another and vice versa. So where do we draw the line? You and I also know that both good and evil reside within us. It
All our life we run after recognition. For many of us, it is our major driving force for any work or career. Even in our relationships, we crave recognition for work done, for tasks accomplished etc. But when we don’t receive it, we feel let down, betrayed and hurt. It feels like all we have
You taught me… How to greet a new home with abandon joy How to wag with happiness just at my sight How to wait patiently and expectedly for the loving pat When to sit quietly, a look of understanding deep in your eyes You taught me… That every meal deserves a warm welcome That shelter
Allow yourself not to be okay sometime, Allow yourself to be joyous without any reason or rhyme Allow yourself to be happy each day Allow yourself not to get disturbed by what people say Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them Allow yourself to be coal and be polished like a gem Allow
Guru Purnima Day is the day of all the Buddhas, all those who have become aware. In their remembrance, become aware. The grove is here in front of you. You can see that luminous light. It is here! You can hear that celestial sound; that music is happening. And you can be soaked into my
Osho: Guru Purnima is the Day of all the Buddhas Read More »
If someone asks you about your relationship status, you inadvertently say it’s good or complicated. Honestly, there is nothing called ideal relationship but human beings are social animals, so by all means they give their best effort to preserve any relationship. However, situations do arise when you and your beloved one has to live distantly.
5 Ways To Make Long Distance Relationship Strong Read More »
You will be surprised to know that the English word love comes from a Sanskrit word lobha; lobha means greed. It may have been just a coincidence that the English word love grew out of a Sanskrit word that means greed, but my feeling is that it cannot be just coincidence. There must be something
The Difference Between Love, Attachment and Greed Read More »
Who am I? … Why do I feel they way I do? The key to the answers lies in the so called elusive mysterious magical MIND! Yet is it so mysterious? In today’s zip-zap-zoom life most of mind’s orchestrations go by unnoticed. I can feel a connection… I think ‘am right… I shall do what
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) – The Key to the Magical Mind Read More »
Stress is an epidemic that is a side effect of the modern civilization and hectic schedules. With the cut-throat competition, responsibilities at work and at home, stress has become a partner in life. Stress commonly refers to a response of the body to handle situations that the mind perceives as threat to survival. In ancient
Love seems simple… dewy eyed, dreamy noons, mushy heart, rosy world. But a few weeks or say, months into it, its not that easy. Relationship turns into an arcade of fights. Give a few years into it (living together…even better), it turns into a huge battlefield where battles of doing things the right way (read
If we take an example from life, we see the highest example of worldly love between a mother and a child. Think of a mother with her helpless infant. The mother dotes on the child. She is so filled with love for the child that there is no place inside her for anger. The infant
It is said that God could not be physically present everywhere, so God created mothers to take care of everything. The basic nature of women is nurturing irrespective of age. The essence of motherhood can be found in all women. All women are mothers because all women bring life to the world in some way.
You may feel it while you are engaged in some kind of absorbing or interesting activity, such as watching an interesting movie or a TV program, or being with someone you love, or reading a book, or while lying on the sand at a beach. In a way, it means escaping into the world of
Many questions are before me. One friend has asked: ”If the soul cannot be seen, then why is so much importance given to something invisible? Why do you also talk about this same unseen atman?” The trees are visible, not so the roots that lie hidden in the ground beneath. That does not mean that
What does ‘communication’ mean to you? Going by the dictionary, it means ‘ to impart or exchange information by one person or group to another using mutually understood symbols, sign or language.’ But are we able to make the other person understand what we mean, using these mutually understood signs or language? Or is there
What do you do when you know something isn’t quite working, such as a job, a creative project, a business idea, or a relationship? How do you turn that inner feeling of misalignment into a practical growth experience, so you can ultimately create or discover a better match? I’ll share a pretty straightforward process that
When I started getting angry because she told me about something that happened with her in the childhood, it wasn’t easy to just let go of the emotion with ease. The problem with that is, given my anxiety attached to everything, I started getting jitters down my spine. A weird shaking sensation gripped my entire