Essence of Motherhood

Essence of MotherhoodIt is said that God could not be physically present everywhere, so God created mothers to take care of everything. The basic nature of women is nurturing irrespective of age. The essence of motherhood can be found in all women. All women are mothers because all women bring life to the world in some way. I have seen little girls taking care of their younger brother and sister like mothers. If you analyse all your family relationships you will find that all the relationships around you are kind of barter system of give and take.

There is nothing like ‘unconditional love ‘ in relationships no matter how much we use this word to express our love. The only example of unconditional love in family is mother. Other than family you will find true friends are unconditional in relationships. 

I have seen their is gap between all relationships when we grow up. Even a father will disown a child if his actions are not up to the mark. A father will be more conscious of his social status rather than giving moral support to the child. I have seen  mothers doing small jobs to feed their children while father is spending all his money in drinking liquor. I have seen mothers taking extra responsibility for children. In India their are more women working for their families. If you go to the hills you will see less men working in comparison to women. You will find women doing the farming and other tasks.

When I was in Uttarkashi, I usually saw men playing cards sitting idle under trees or drinking liquor or smoking. I saw women working more outside or inside houses while taking care of their in laws and other family members.Not to go too far, the maid working in my own house is live example. She is the one who do cleaning jobs to feed her in laws and children while her husband spend all his daily wage’s earning in drinking and then beating her. Sometimes I get angry that why she is bearing all the responsibility of  kids and even her husband’s old parents and husband? That is the moment when I am thinking like a  feminist. I forget that she is a mother inside. Nature has made her like this. To be more sensitive and caring is her innate nature. Even if a mother tends to be harsh to teach her children, she will be always worried and caring towards them. 

If the children are far from home for studies or work, the mother will be concerned if they are well or not; they ate on time or not? No matter her daughter or son is grown up or even married, her concern will be same.She may sometimes tell her expectations from you but her love remain the same even if you never fulfil her hopes. I have seen my mother remembering my brother who is staying far from home for his studies. She will keep reminding me to call him to know about his whereabouts. Whenever she will cook something that is my brother’s favourite, she will miss him. She will be worried if there are winters that he is wearing enough clothes or not.

While she will feel emotionally low, missing my brother’s presence at home still she will make sure that I am not being ignored by her. She will put extra efforts to cook my favourite food so that I may not feel I am ignored because of my brother. I have seen my mother giving her favourite sweet dish to us even if we all had our share already, even if after giving us she will not have left for her own. I have seen my mother stretching herself more than her capacity just for the sake of making us more comfortable. 

Being a mother is twenty four hours unpaid job. I realised the importance of my mother when I had to cook thrice in a day without any help. I realised how tough is to be an housewife and a mother who spend major part of her life in the kitchen cooking food for her family. And if she is working her role gets even more tough. I know it’s so simple to say that cleaning, cooking and feeding her children is moral duty of a mother and there is nothing new in this unless you are grown up and into the role of parents yourself. Those are really blessed who still cherish the love, care and pampering of their mothers. I am grateful to my mother for still taking care of me in many ways though she is getting old day by day. I thank God for giving me not the best but one of the most compassionate mother of the world. 

Happy Mother’s Day to you, to me, to all of us, because we are all mothers in some way. And we are all part of the great story of motherhood God is writing from generation to generation.

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