Tommy – My Canine Gentleman

Tommy – My Canine GentlemanYou taught me…
How to greet a new home with abandon joy
How to wag with happiness just at my sight
How to wait patiently and expectedly for the loving pat
When to sit quietly, a look of understanding deep in your eyes

You taught me…
That every meal deserves a warm welcome
That shelter is just a roof or even a table above the head
That when someone is angry or sad it is not at you
To care even when ignored, as you are not forgotten

You taught me…
To take care of oneself even when others cannot
To rest, to sleep when nothing else makes sense
To love a walk in the gardens, under the stars and anywhere else
To receive, to ask for help, to depend on others yet feel free

You taught me…
Not to bite the hand that feeds, literally and metaphorically
To stay humble and accepting through the thunder and storm
To not be suspicious of anyone or unkind and be loving to all
Yet be wary of stealth, darkness and protect your own

You taught me…
That life must be lived, and a smile can be given even in pain
Not to bark or bite or demand, to be grateful even if things come late
Trust that who goes will also return and not leave you alone
Not to question, yet be curious of all nature’s creations
To ask for little, a few basics, yet give us your all unconditionally

You taught me…
As you left that dignity and peace can conquer even pain
That exits and endings begin new tidings elsewhere
To spare others and be kind as you leave them behind
To be remembered as the perfect gentleman even as you go

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