Author name: Meetu Sehgal

Meetu Sehgal is a Personal Transformation and Emotional Wellness Coach, Trainer, Tarot Reader, Intuitive Healer and Counselling Psychologist. With 13+ years of experience in her field, she has been passionately working with individuals helping them with personal transformation, resolve health, wealth and relationship challenges through therapeutic coaching. She offers personal sessions, trainings, EFT, Inner Child Work, NLP, Tarot, Reiki and Angel Therapy. 

A Survival Guide for Empaths: Turn your Challenges into Blessings

A Survival Guide for Empaths: Turn your Challenges into Blessings

What is an Empath Empaths are deeply sensitive people who can easily feel other’s emotions and energies. They just know what the other person is feeling and can even experience their feelings and pain as their own sometimes. Psychologists may use the term empath to describe a person that experiences a great deal of empathy, often to the

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A Different Approach to Healing the Body

Healing with the Mind-Body Connection – A Different Approach to Healing the Body

Did you know that almost every sickness is psychosomatic – meaning a disease caused and/or aggravated by physical reasons as well as the mind and emotions like stress, anger, fear, sadness, grief etc? When you are facing a health issue, it means that something in your body is not in harmony or your whole body

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Heal Your Patterns with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Healing emotions is a powerful part of the healing process. Usually, emotions are dismissed as annoying or insignificant in our day-to-day life. But we don’t realize the power they hold over us. Emotions are the glue. They are what makes us more human capable of feeling happiness, sadness or joy. Without emotions we would be

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Cut Your Cords

Cut Your Cords – Clear Your Attachments

If you have been feeling drained and exhausted off late especially after interacting with someone physically or over the phone or Internet, you may have negative energy cords attached to them. If you have a problematic association or interaction with someone and you are connected to them strongly on an emotional level, the cord cutting can help you immensely by clearing the negative energy and creating space for clearer communication.

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