Message for the 3rd Day of Navratri

Ostara – Fertility from Goddess Guidance Oracle by Doreen Virtue

This is the perfect time to start something new as the old is ending and a new phase is beginning. It is time to get onto new projects or restart old ones that you had left or abandoned or were simply stuck because of creative block.

You will also receive all the help, support and resources to bring your ideas to fruition right now. All you need is a little patience and trust that everything will out in the best possible manner at the right time.

Fertility is not necessarily about having babies, even your ideas and ventures are your babies. So pick up that pen, bring out that painting that you left midway, go back to your drawing board and start putting your new ideas into practice to create a new reality for yourself.

Always remember, you are your own creator and you create your own destiny. Don’t look at anyone else to hold responsible for what happened in your life. Choose to take charge of your life today.

Happy creating!

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