The Violet Flame is a healing modality that combines visualization and energy healing. It is a part of ancient knowledge, and it has been dispensed to humanity by Ascended Master, St. Germain. It is a very powerful healing tool and is very simple to use.
The Violet Flame has been found to be effective at eliminating phobias, fears, negative thoughts and beliefs, and in resolving other issues. The healing takes place at the root cause of the issue and also heals all subsequent issues that have occurred related to the issue after the root cause.
Benefits of Violet Flame
- It heals on all levels including the physical and cellular, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual levels.
- It eliminates all of the negative energy, negative emotions, negative thoughts, worries, stress, anxiety, pain, trauma, disease, adamantine particles (energetic particles), negative words, and negative actions associated with the issue that one intends to heal and transmutes all of it into pure divine light.
- It also changes the core belief system associated with the issue that one is healing into a new, positive core belief system.
- It heals throughout all time, space, dimensions, parallel realities, the past, the present, the future, and throughout all eternity.
In this way, The Violet Flame removes energy blockages and allows for healing to occur, thereby improving one’s life and well-being.
How to use Violet Flame?
One of the easiest ways to use The Violet Flame is by doing the following:
- Sit or lay down comfortably. – Think of an issue that you would like to heal and call forth the intention to heal the issue. One way to do this is to imagine the words “intention to heal” and then imagine whatever it is that you want to heal. For example, if I want to heal my fear of snakes, I would imagine the words “intention to heal my fear of snakes”.
- Imagine a violet fire or violet flame engulfing you infused with a silver ray of light. Imagine that it is healing the issue for which you called forth the intention to heal.

Sometimes the healing takes place immediately, but sometimes it may take a day or two, several days, a week or two, several weeks, several months, and in rare cases, several years. It all depends on how much emotional baggage and negative energy is connected to the issue. Each person and each issue heal differently and according to their own time. We have no control over how long it takes.
After a healing session with The Violet Flame, one may experience symptoms of cleansing such as: being more tired than usual then eventually feeling more energetic than usual, feeling negative emotions and negative energy coming to the surface to be released, feeling warm, feeling cold, needing to go to the bathroom more often than usual, sneezing, runny nose, feeling achy, etc. However, even if one does not feel any of these symptoms, the healing may still work. Some people experience these symptoms, and some people do not. Each person and each issue are different.
Therefore, the next time that you have an issue that you would like to heal, consider using The Violet Flame. It is a very powerful and effective tool that can be used to improve our lives and well-being.