Feng Shui Tips – Mandarin Ducks

mandarin ducksThough February is the shortest month of the year, yet it is the only month when love is in the air…..Two festivals of love fall in this month vasant panchami and valentine day. Let me tell you a story, no, not of St.Valentine or of the tricks of the Cupid but of sweet, innocent looking birds- The Mandarin Ducks.

Once upon a time there was a feudal lord in Japan. He got fascinated by the bright and beautiful plumage of the mandarin duck and captured it. The duck separated from its mate gets utterly miserable and slowly starts to die of loneliness. The lord’s maid servant and her samurai lover are impressed by the true love and loyalty between the ducks. They decide to reunite them against the wishes of their master. The lord gets angry and condemns the lovers to death. From then on mandarin ducks have become a symbol of strong love and fidelity.

Fengshui operates on the principle -changes in the environment send messages to our subconscious mind and those changes brings about changes in our behaviour and we easily attract what we want. In Fengshui mandarin ducks are used to attract and heal relationships. An interesting fact about mandarin ducks is that they mate for life; once they find a partner they stick to it for life and if separated they pin for each other and soon die of loneliness. Naturally then, they are the best cure for love relationships. As I said love is in the air, let the mandarin ducks do the magic and bring the loved ones together.

A pair of mandarin ducks should be displayed in the south-west corner of either the bed-room or the drawing-room, in the office or in the car. It would be better if they are displayed in the Nien yin direction i.e. the love relationship direction. Each person has a specific Nien Yi n direction. Various kinds of mandarin ducks are available and are used according to the requirement. These can be of rose quartz, rosewood, Jade, Green Aventurine and multicoloured in ceramics. The ideal being of rose quartz as rose quartz itself is known as love-stone. It exudes powerful rays that stimulate passion, energy and confidence so very essential for a healthy and loving relationship. These can be carried in wallets or on person. These can be used by the singles ready to mingle to attract true love and by the already married ones to strengthen and infuse romance and happiness in the relationship.

And what time can be better then now, when love is in the air!

-Archana Sharma

Archana Sharma is an M.Phil in Life Sciences and practises in Astrology, Numerology and alternative therapies. She is currently pursuing research in Medical Astrology.

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