Your Lucky and Unlucky Directions According to Feng Shui

Your Lucky and Unlucky Directions According to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the science of directions and energy. It can help you figure out your personal lucky and unlucky direction for different areas of your life.

To determine this, Feng Shui uses Kua number, which is a system of numerology based on your year of birth and sex. This number can be easily calculated and lucky directions can be identified to get beneficial results in all fields of life.

The system divides numbers into two groups indicating the East and West group.

Numbers 1, 3, 4 and 9 belong to East group and their favourable directions are North, South, East and South-East. Numbers 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 belong to West group and their favourable directions West, North-West, South-West and North-East. Kua number calculation is different for males and females.

Your Lucky and Unlucky Directions According to Feng ShuiKua Number Calculation for Males

Suppose a male is born on 12th Oct 1972. Add the last two digits of the year i.e. 7+2= 9, now subtract this from 10 i.e 10-9=1. The Kua number in this case is 1 and the favourable direction will be North, East, South and South-East as it belongs to the East group.

Kua Number Calculation for Females

Suppose a female is born on 12th Oct 1967 then add the last two digits of the year and add 5 to it. 6+7=13=4+5=9. The Kua number in this case is 9. This number also belongs to East group and lucky directions are as above.

However, 4 February is taken as the cut-off date according to the traditional Solar calendar. If a child is born on 2nd Feb 1988, his birth year is taken as 1987 as his date of birth is before 4th Feb. and if a child is born on 7th Feb 1988 his birth year will be taken as 1988 only as his date of birth falls after 4th Feb.

Lucky and Unlucky Directions

According to Feng-Shui each person has four lucky and four unlucky directions. It makes sense that a person faces those directions while working or makes maximum use of them.

Kua Number

Name and Success Direction

1.South-East for both males and females.
2.North-East for both males and females.
3.South for both males and females.
4.North for both males and females.
5.North-East for males and South-West for females.
6.West for both males and females.
7.North West for both males and females.
8.South West for both males and females.
9.East for both males and females.


Health Direction

Similarly a person’s health can be improved by Feng-Shui by facing the Health Direction i.e. Tien Yi (heavenly doctor) direction. If one is prone to fall ill frequently or is convalescing from any illness; it is advisable to face and sleep in the right direction. As in the above example, the Kua number is 9, the Tien Yi direction will be Southeast and the person should sleep pointing in this direction and should make use of this direction for most of his activities.

Kua Number

Tien Yi Direction (Health Direction)

5.West or North West
9. South-East


Lucky Directions

Kua Number

Sheng Chi (Success direction)

Tien Yi (Health direction)

Nien Yen (Romance direction)

Fu-Wei direction (Personal Growth direction)

5. (Male/Female)North-East/South-WestWest / North-WestNorth-West / WestSouthwest / North-East
9.EastSouth-EastNorth South


Unlucky Directions

Kua Number

Ho Hai direction (Unlucky direction)

Wu Lui Kwei (Five Ghosts direction)

Lui-Sha (Six Killings direction)

Chueh Ming (Total Loss direction)

5.(Male/Female)East and SouthSouth-East/NorthSouth/EastNorth/South-East
9.North-EastWestSouth-west North-West


Enhance your success and minimise your chance of failure by using use the Kua number system of Feng Shui

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