Tarot Predictions for the Week 29 April-5 May 2018 by Sun Signs



(March 21 – April 19)

You are decisive, clear and mentally alert. This is the time to take the right decision and action using whole brain – intuition and intelligence. Take the right decision which is fair encompassing spiritual clarity. This week is about removing the confusion and getting clarity.



Ten of WandsTaurus

(April 20 – May 20) 

Be careful of overdoing things this week, Taurus. You are feeling burdened by many activities and tasks, and physical exertion. Delegate and take help else you might feel burnt out and physically exhausted. Relax a little when you can. 


King of Pentacles


(May 21 – June 20)

On practical, work or money matters, you are feeling confident, decisive and in command, Gemini. You are the right person to go to on money or practical matters this week. You are also focused on work or money matters and want to accomplish what you set out over these matters. Right time to take money , work matters into your hands.



Eight of Wands


(June 21 – July 21)

Its full steam ahead, dear Cancer. Change is in the air and is asking you to take energetic action. Respond with speed and alacrity as this is not a time for delays. Take a few deep breaths, rest well and then charge ahead. You are also feeling creative so enjoy the burst of creativity. Short distance travel may also be possible, maybe even a stolen weekend!


Six of Cups


(July 23 – August 22)

Are you feeling nostalgic and remembering the past with fondness? This week is a little about reminiscing about the past and can be used to explore sibling relationships and even past life debts. The past gives hints into relationships patterns and what can be taken to the future. Pay attention to siblings as well and be generous in your emotions.


Four of Pentacles


(August 23 – September 22)

You are feeling good about your accomplishments and monetary situation, as you should dear Virgo. With the right skills, talents and recognition, you have come a long way. Just be a little wary of becoming too possessive about materialistic things, money or your work achievements. Be generous and share the goodness – be charitable and help others too. 





(September 23 – October 22)

A cycle of life has come to an end to usher in a new one. You are feeling accomplished and ready to begin afresh. Travel, international opportunities, cosmic consciousness – basically waves of newness come ushering in. You are on the brink of new opportunities and cycles as Destiny comes calling.




Page of PentaclesScorpio

(October 23 – November 21)

You might enjoy some new creative ideas or seeking fresh inspiration, Scorpio. This week is good for new ventures, a new start which has the promise of financial gains in the future. It could also show the positive influences of young workers in your team, enjoy their fresh thinking. You could also be helping a child in practical, money matters or beginnings.




(November 22 – December 21)

What insecurities, inner fears – your inner devils – can you release this week? Face your innermost obstacles, and remember the chains are lose and can be removed. If you have any form of addictions or are giving over-importance to materialistic needs, be aware that these are only dragging you down. Seek help if you need to but dedicate this week to releasing these urges.


Five of PentaclesCapricorn

(December 22 – January 19)

You may be facing some monetary losses or are fearing one or problems at work. Or are you feeling a sense of loss in your profession or personal life? Take spiritual help, learn from these experiences and be open to what you receive as answers. You may be unduly pessimistic so try to move to more positive thoughts and more importantly move to a solution than self-pitying mindset. 



King of CupsAquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

You are on the right track, Aquarius as you calm your emotions, reigning supreme over turbulence. The conscious and the sub-conscious are aligned or any disruptive emotions in the sub-conscious are being calmed and understood. Maintain this emotional maturity while ensuring it is not a surface calm but penetrates deep within. You can also be an important emotional influence so use it well and not to manipulate.



Six of PentaclesPisces

(February 19 – March 20)

Whether it is practical advice, personal help or professional support, you are feeling bountiful and generous. You are enjoying materialistic abundance and wanting to share the bounty. Go ahead, share and be charitable but remember to do it from a place of stability, gratitude and humility and not arrogance or ego.

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