Tarot Predictions for the Week 27 November 2023 – 3 December 2023

General Theme of this week:

Balance, Giving and receiving, harmony, Endings, Renewal

Aries: The Horned God

Your passion calls you to work this week, Aries! Your leadership skills are being put to test and you know deep down you were always meant to do this. The Horned God is someone who is a go-getter in terms of challenges whether it’s in life in general or the work front. Something stronger awaits your energy and now is the perfect time to start new endeavours if you’ve been looking for any signs lately. Your wisdom and knowledge will be used for the best. Make sure you do due diligence before moving forward.

Taurus: Queen of Wands

Work, work, work is on the cards for you Taurus! Irrespective of how much you’ve put in for the last few months you’re starting to enjoy this more than you thought. The Queen of Wands is here to bless you for the efforts you’re putting in and may you find yourself feeling more secure this week. If you aren’t feeling at your best, maybe this is your sign to go forward and continue down the path. Sometimes, it takes time to see the fruition of what you’re doing but have faith it’s all working out in your favour. It’s time to let go of any expectations you have from yourself or others and get a bit realistic about what is it that you really want from it.

Gemini: Four of Wands

Your hard work has paid off and you’re starting to see the good in everything. Being open to receiving from others is your message this week, Gemini! That’s right. When all you’ve been doing is giving to others, maybe it’s time to take a step back and open your arms to the universe to receive as well. Let the energies of the full moon that has just passed us be a reminder of how bright you can shine when your needs are being met. Give chances to others to fulfil their commitments towards you. May this week stand for all you’ve been waiting for and more.

Cancer: Four of Pentacles

Saving for a future endeavour is always a good idea but maybe you’re holding on too tight to everything, Cancer! This week, the Four of Pentacles card is a reminder for you to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you anymore. This is the week to let help come into your life. Open your heart to endless possibilities that a particular outcome can have and let things flow on their own. You don’t have to control everything and if someone offers you help, be ready to receive it. This week serves as a gentle nudge from the universe to show you the path out of your difficulties. Be merry!

Tarot Predictions for the Week 27 Nov - 3 Dec 2023

Leo: Six of wands + King of wands

You’re gaining more rewards this week than you expected, Leo! Your plans to finally give up and let go have worked well in your favour and certain new insights have come to light. Victories and leadership roles this week might be just the boost you need for all the work you have put in. Sometimes losing hope may be the way to move forward and sometimes having faith even when nothing seems to be working can work in your favour. Make sure you take some time out to celebrate your wins and take the opportunity to reflect a little.

Virgo: Four of Chalices

Things may not turn out as you had wanted them to, Virgo! And that’s okay too. You had plans and a progress chart mapped out in your head but life had different plans for you. But, this is still working in your favour. Opportunities are still knocking at your door and maybe it’s time to open it when such incidences present themselves for you. If you had more work planned, and all you’re getting in return are retreat advertisements, maybe you genuinely need more than that. Who knows you might have a new inspiration during your retreat!

Libra: Queen of Pentacles

Your financials are all secured and this is a sign for you to sit back and enjoy the planning that has come to fruition. Maybe all you did was make a good investment plan a few months ago and it is coming out to be well in your favour. Even if times get rough, you know you have enough and in fact, more than enough to secure yourself and your future. Being practical has served you well in the past and your grounded energy this week will take you forward. If there’s something you have missed out on, ask yourself how important it is in your life and you’ll find yourself back on the track.

Scorpio: Harvest

Your life is coming to a full circle Scorpio and this week the theme is to focus more on nurturing. The Harvest card is guiding you to strengthen your boundaries and only let good energy come in. Remind yourself how important it is to spend your time doing the things you love and if something obstructs your way, ask yourself how that will contribute to your overall peace or growth. The energy of renewal, rebirth and endings is also visible in this card. It is making space for new things to come into your life. Make sure your heart is open to receive!

Sagittarius: The High Priestess

The magical energy of the high priestess is here to enable you to manifest whatever you want in your life, Sagi! A lot of turbulence might be coming into your life and the priestess energy is reminding you to look beyond what you see. There’s more to everything than what meets the eye. You’re capable of turning the light on when darkness seems overpowering. Allow yourself to meditate and reflect on what works for you best. Maybe it’s time to be your own best friend and advise yourself what you would do if you could help a friend in a similar situation. You’re only one step away.

Capricorn: The Lord of Shadows

It is time to say ‘goodbye’ to things/people/situations that aren’t working for you. This week can be a bit heavy for you as you mourn over certain situations and it’s okay to let that happen too. Goodbyes can take a toll on us and this week you might need to take some time off to process those emotions. Allow yourself to feel and let this be your ‘me’ time away from everything for a while. However, with this card comes a space for renewal too. As old things are being left behind both physically and spiritually, you’re moving on to the next chapter in your life and the transition in between these two phases is the theme for you this week.

Aquarius: Nine of Pentacles

A good happy ending is all you need Aquarius. This week is about setting your records straight, spending time with family and watching your plans in action. A little bit of gloating never hurts but make sure you don’t indulge too much into it. It can also mean giving birth to a new life or a project and taking time to soak it in. Let there be more such moments in your life and pausing for a moment to pray the same will let you enhance the experience even more. It also signifies things coming to their next step. Take some time to count your blessings this week.

Pisces: King of Pentacles

If there’s something you’re looking forward to investing in, be it a relationship or a work project, money is definitely not going to be an issue for you. The King of Pentacles is here to remind you of all the abundance of energy you live in and while you may not be feeling it lately, you still have much to be grateful for. Let this week stand for signs from the universe of how everything is still working out in your favour. You’re more resourceful than you give yourself credit for. Let this week show you just that.

Deck: Green Witch Tarot Deck

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