Tarot Predictions for the Week 22-28 April 2018 by Sun Signs


Four of Swords


(March 21 – April 19)

You are feeling overworked and over-tired, Aries. Do not be so stressed that it affects your health and makes you feel overwhelmed. Take a short break, some time off to rest, or be less anxious and worried else your health will suffer. Pray, meditate and seek help from the Divine.




(April 20 – May 20) 

Manifest your goals this week Taurus, what you want as the heavens are listening. You should communicate, take care of paperwork and showcase your ideas, concepts, products as communication is blessed this week. Think, plan and visualize.


Six of Cups


(May 21 – June 20)

You are feeling nostalgic this week, Gemini, reminiscent about  your childhood, siblings, past and maybe longing for reunions. This could also be indicative of past karmas and lifetimes making themselves felt. Siblings, family tree and past connections are crowding your mind – be aware and generous, stay with happy memories.





(June 21 – July 21)

This is the time to bring all actions and emotions into balance, dear Cancer. Be aware of the balance between your conscious and sub-conscious self, be aware and patient while you wait for things to happen. Stay in a state of equilibrium, test waters before taking the plunge and maintain balance between your feminine and masculine energies.


Four of Wands


(July 23 – August 22)

Celebrations with the family, reunions, joy and happiness come your way this week Leo. Enjoy these moments. There may be a marriage in the family or good news coming your way from other family members. Good vibes and harmony prevail. It could even be positive news with your work family, a new partnership to celebrate.


King of Swords


(August 23 – September 22)

Your mind is clear and decisive, Virgo. You know what to do to make things work for you and set your plans in motion. There is less confusion and your head is leading the way. Just be careful not to be too judgmental and operate from a space of compassion and spiritual clarity as well.




Nine of SwordsLibra

(September 23 – October 22)

You are thinking too much and too negatively, Libra. What are you fearing so much and feeling anxious about? Relax, stay calm and keep things in check else it will affect your health. Take help and support and take care of your sleep. Your anxiety may be causing sleepless nights so listen to some meditative music, have a warm bath and destress.




Ten of SwordsScorpio

(October 23 – November 21)

Are things really so bad, Scorpio or are you over reacting just a little? You may be feeling, defeated, wounded and at a loss this week but see things in perspective and it may not be do bad. Endings bring beginnings and there is a sun rising in the horizon.  Don’t make mountains out of molehills and rise above the sense of loss, gain is just round the corner.




(November 22 – December 21)

You are feeling stable, calm and in control particularly over practical and work matters. Good steady progress is indicated, and structured approach will work. Though the work may seem routine and mundane, you will plough through it steadily setting foundations. Be patient, it will pay off.



Seven of SwordsCapricorn

(December 22 – January 19)

You may be feeling a little cheated or betrayed this week or think hard, hope you haven’t betrayed anyone! Be careful in all your dealings – financial or emotional – you will need to double-check all details. Be open and transparent as secrecy will not help and ask for the same.  





(January 20 – February 18)

Are you seeking or missing fatherly figures in your life, Aquarius or maybe you need to seek such an influential masculine figure who can give you advice based on wisdom and experience. You may also need to act authoritatively and show your leadership skills but from a place of accumulated wisdom and structure. Seek protective environments and figures – maybe even a fatherly figure from another realm.



Page of PentaclesPisces

(February 19 – March 20)

Are you at the start of a new creative project or seeking fresh inspiration, Pisces? This week is good for new ventures, a new start which has the promise of financial gains in the future. It could also show the positive influences of young workers in your team, enjoy their fresh thinking. A youth or young member in your family could also be moving to a fresh, steady journey, encourage him.

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