Tarot Prediction for the Week 9 October 2023 – 15 October 2023

General Theme of this week:

Femininity, getting in touch with your inner self, love

Aries: Five of Cups

Sometimes it’s okay to be a little disappointed too, Aries! You’ve put in all your hard work and hope into something and it may not seem to be panning out in your favour this week. However, one door closed means another opens up. Your disappointments are only temporary as there’s much to do in your situation. Don’t lose hope with temporary setbacks. Additionally, you may also practise letting go of what no longer makes sense in your life in order to move on. This card brings you the perfect opportunity to do that whether it is in terms of work or relationships. Maybe focus on letting go of certain habits or behaviours which are not in alignment with who you wish to become in the near future.

Taurus: Ace of Wands

You’re on the right path Taurus and this is your sign to keep at it! If you were planning to add something to your work, or maybe make a few changes here and there, the Ace of Wands is telling you to go for it. Your wholehearted efforts are working well for you and while work might be on your mind most of the time, spontaneous travel plans might be in this week. After all, you deserve that extra break and a change of space. The universe has your back and while the tide is in your favour, you might as well get the most out of it.

Gemini: The World

This week might be a lot about completions and fulfilment on a personal level for you Gemini! The past few days have not been good for you and with a mixed bag of emotions giving you a roller coaster ride. It’s all finally coming together and a sense of joy follows with it. Additionally, you’ll find yourself enjoying group settings or parties. However, just as most endings or completions are followed by new journeys, this card also signifies a new start. Be open to receiving opportunities to grow and evolve both in terms of relationships and career.

Cancer: Two of Coins

You face difficult decisions to make, especially in terms of your finances and cancer! It’s a this or that situation but easier said than done. Your future relies on these decisions and thus makes the pressure very real for you. Understandably so. It might be wise to consult a wise person in this regard and measure your pros and cons carefully before taking a step forward. It’s all happening for your good and there’s always a hidden blessing that we miss during times of conflict. If you find yourself more unstable than usual, some grounding techniques such as gardening or meditation might help bring some insights.

Leo: Nine of Swords

You feel you’ve hit rock bottom and lack the energy to start anything, Leo! Your sadness and disappointed feelings are valid but maybe this is exactly what you need at this moment. Only when you hit rock bottom, can you finally decide to move ahead or upwards. All is not lost and your strength to shine brighter despite your obstacles makes you who you are. Taking some time off to yourself might do some good but make sure you don’t indulge in your pain forever. It’s time to do something about your situation and make strategies and backup plans for contingencies. You got this!

Virgo: Knight of Cups

It’s easier to get swayed in your feelings, Virgo. After all, this is what you wanted to feel all along. The present situation makes you feel everything is going well or close enough and you’re loving the vibe of it. The knight of cups is here to tell you that this romanticism is working in your favour. Just like the knight’s love for love, you too are allowed to be swayed and dance. Let your inner child out to play and do things you love. Maybe, it’s time to go back to writing, maybe on a different ‘fun’ topic this time? Or, perhaps you want to go out for dinner with your partner. Take your pick!

Libra: The Moon

Your subconscious fears are coming true, Libra! This might feel like the worst time of your life as you face these issues. It is okay to be overwhelmed and take some time off from everything to process your emotions. This might not be a good time to commit to something long-term both in terms of career and relationships as your headspace is affected. The Moon card is here to tell you that despite adversities, you will find light in the darkness eventually. You have to wait for your moment to come and avoid taking any risks for now.

Scorpio: Five of Swords

Despite all your best efforts, you’re feeling defeated Scorpio! You feel as if despite having received things you have wanted, something’s not quite right. A sense of unfulfillment will linger for this week and you will find yourself unmotivated too. Additionally, this card is trying to tell you that your need to always be right might not be good for a higher purpose. Maybe taking a backseat and just observing things around rather than participating in conflicts might work in your favour this week.

Sagittarius: Four of Swords

After all that you’ve been through in the past week, it’s time for you to lay down your weapons and rest, Sagi! That’s right, four of Swords is here to tell you to focus on this week. Meditate on things that are being an obstacle in your life right now and ask yourself how you can improve on them. Maybe this time will help you gain new insights and bring more creativity to flow through you both on work and personal life fronts. Your inner voice needs to speak to you about various things, tune in!

Capricorn: The Lovers

A relationship might be on the horizon for you, Capri! The lovers’ card stands for all kinds of love and intimacy that one might go through in their lives. This could also indicate that you need to express yourself more and be open. It’s okay to be vulnerable and share your thoughts with others. You don’t have to keep it all inside anymore. Your expression of self and vulnerability will do you some good as you tap into your feminine side this week. Remind yourself that you too are important.

Aquarius: The Empress

This week is about nurturing yourself, Aquarius! You’ve gone days without taking care of yourself. The Empress card is here to remind you that you have what it takes but without properly resting or taking some time out, you’ll not be able to continue ahead. Just like Mother Nature, we too are bound to run out of energy and creative supplies if we are too hard on ourselves. The new ideas are flowing through you as you read this but for these ideas to properly formulate, you must remember to indulge in some self-care first.

Pisces: Faith

What you see on the surface is not the whole story, Pisces! It’s time to go deeper and as you uncover several layers of the same situation, have faith that it’s all unfolding like it’s meant to be. Trust the universe as it works in your favour and everything you had wished for, is all coming true in its own time (or maybe faster, you never know!). Your belief system is shaken during this week which creates more space for faith to seep in and do its work. The art of allowing and letting things be is a bit of good advice for you for this week.

Deck:  Tarot of the Dreams Deck

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