Tarot Prediction for the Week 2 October 2023 – 8 October 2023

General Theme of this week: 

Choices, celebration, faith, moving forward, having fun, grace.

Aries: The World

Success is here at your doorstep, Aries! What else can you possibly ask for? This week is all about celebrating as your hard work pays off. It is the best time to manifest anything you possibly want as luck is on your side. Ask yourself, ‘How else can I make it better?’ and you shall receive. In terms of relationships, this card signifies a fulfilling and secure relationship while keeping all your worries at bay. Whatever it is that you were going through earlier, this week is all about coming out of it. New doors are certainly opening for you and maybe it’s time to make some travel plans while everything is perfect.

Taurus: Ace of Pentacles

Money, money, money! This week is all about that extra earnings no matter where they come from, Taurus! Count your many blessings. You’re exactly where you should be as this new journey will lead you to your rightful path. The grounding energy of pentacles is asking you to put your thoughts into action. Additionally, an owl on this card represents wisdom, insights, and heavenly blessings. Your spirit guides are definitely working as hard as you. Focus on your intuition this week and follow your heart even if it doesn’t make sense in the real world. Let it guide you!

Gemini: Four of Wands

Celebrations are ahead for you this week, Gemini! Quite literally! It could be a birthday, wedding, or even a small get-together with the family but this week is all about celebrating things in life. Maybe it’s time for you to practice more gratitude in your life and anything less than grace can stay outside the window for just this week. Or maybe you’ve reached an important milestone at work and it’s time to relax and enjoy! Additionally, some of you may have quarrels with your partner as shown in the card with two birds here. It’s time to keep it all aside and be in the moment.

Cancer: Three of Wands

You may feel a bit overwhelmed and unstable this week with the presence of number three, Cancer! But worry not, as all is going in your favor! You’re determined to get what you want and are now putting things in motion. Wands energy is all about your passion and work. You might even make travel plans this week. No matter where you are, your dreams are coming to fruition in full swing. Magic is in the air and perhaps even on the horizon for you. Your go-getter energy is out there in the universe and it’ll be your time to shine very soon. Have faith and keep working as the full moon is guiding you.

Leo: Two of Pentacles

Juggling between things is something you’re used to doing, Leo! For some reason, this time it feels different. You’re struggling to choose between better options in your life, especially for your career as Pentacles Energy is telling us that. But you got this. Your adaptability is your true strength and no matter how hard it gets, you always find your way back, or maybe this time you’ll find your way forward. Who knows. Your feisty lion strength is all about getting through difficulties and this time it burns brighter than ever. Try visualizing a clear path and maybe simply focus on knowing what it is that you really want out of all the choices.

Virgo: Two of Wands

You have choices to make, maybe not the hard ones though, Virgo! Sudden departures or travel are on the horizon for you. These are instant plans that you weren’t really prepared for. That’s absolutely okay. At the same time, the unbalanced energy of number ‘2’ signifies a certain discontentment, especially in work-related aspects or life in general. This too shall pass. Your hard-working personality sometimes gets lost in the trap of reaping rewards fast. It takes time for things to happen. For some of you, this card can represent partnerships and collaborations abroad. You got this!

Libra: Four of Cups

You’re in your big-time ‘what ifs’ and regret mode this week, Libra! Pondering over everything that went wrong and no way to fix things is your theme. You’re filled with guilt and don’t know how to get out of it. It’s time to come back to reality. Staying in the past won’t make you move forward. You can’t undo anything that’s happened and maybe it all happened for the best anyway. Too much thinking will get your mental health down. It’s time to go outdoors and break the cycle of fantasy land. It’s okay to reflect on things but it’s also important to come back and get working on things that need your attention. The world is out there.

Scorpio: Death

Before you get scared of the name of this card, Scorpio, let me give you some good news- you’re breaking some serious patterns this week! That’s right. The ‘Death’ card here signifies the end of a great deal of things. It could mean ending a toxic cycle in your relationships, lifestyle, or even at work but well done on getting out of it! The owl on the card snatching a dead mouse from the thorns on the ground also signifies a great deal of burden being lifted. Maybe you’ve escaped a major danger this week. Number ‘13’ brings good luck and time for some magic to create a life of your dreams this week!

Sagittarius: Nine of Swords + Ten of Swords

It might be a very difficult week for you, Sagi! You’re disappointed as things didn’t turn out the way you expected them to be. As you try to get out of that, it might seem even more painful than anything else you’ve gone through in this respect. But know that your fear and anxiety are constantly manifesting into reality. Maybe it’s time to become more aware of your thoughts. After all, thoughts are energy and energy is your reality. It’s time to take care of yourself and rest as you’ve reached a point of exhaustion. You’re enough no matter where you are.

Capricorn: Ace of Wands + The Fool

As you begin your new journey this week, things may not turn out the way you wanted. Ace of wands here includes a web and spider. You may feel stuck with certain decisions and feel like there’s no way out. But something that spiders teach us is growing and adapting in every situation. You do have a way out but you just need to wait for the right time, like the spiders! If you’re feeling you were too spontaneous while taking a certain path, maybe it’s time to reflect and take a pause before your next move.

Aquarius: The Hanged Man

You may not feel too good this week, Aquarius! Just like the hanged man, you feel like you have had enough but maybe everything isn’t half as bad. Sometimes it’s all about changing perspectives and seeing things from a different angle. Step outside and talk to a friend who isn’t biased to get a neutral perspective on the situation. The glass is not always half empty, it can also be half full. Don’t rush into any decisions this week as you might be going through additional things in life that are affecting your thoughts greatly. Take a step back and nurture yourself.

Pisces: Judgement

If you or someone you love is being judged harshly by anyone, it’s time to put an end to that Pisces! This card is telling you to be gentle with yourself. On the productive side, however, you may feel like you’ve reached a point of clarity and are thinking of moving forward. The snake in this card represents the one of kundalini which signifies growth and ascension. If growth is what you seek, it’s time to move towards it. You’re leaving your shell behind and carrying all your magic to shine brighter ahead!

Deck: The Guardian of the Night Tarot Deck

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