Tarot Predictions for the Week 4 September – 10 September 2023

Aries: Nine of Pentacles

As you move forward, things are finally falling into place for you this week. It’s time to say your goodbyes to things that no longer serve you, especially in terms of money. Maybe it’s your negative beliefs that are holding you back, Aries. Utilize the supermoon energy from the passing blue moon to release all that wasn’t a part of your journey. Consider exploring some tarot prediction for the week to gain insights. A little bit of donations and charity might be just the thing you need this week, even if it’s just one piece of your belongings. This will help you let go of potential attachments and possibly even declutter your space!

Taurus: The Horned God

The Horned God’s energy this week encourages you to stand your ground, Taurus. You might find yourself juggling between many responsibilities, but it’s essential to remember the ‘why’ behind your actions. After all, you aren’t doing so much without a reason! Your heart and soul call you to pursue your goals. Engaging in grounding meditations and visualizations might strengthen your path and lead to a smoother week ahead. It’s you who is making it happen, so stay focused on the purpose behind this tarot prediction for the week.

Gemini: The Witch

This week, it’s all about believing in yourself, Gemini! You have the potential to create just about anything if you set your mind to it. Magic is in your blood, and creativity comes naturally to you. Don’t hold yourself back; now is your time to shine and utilize your capabilities. Perhaps you’re feeling a bit hesitant to put yourself out there or not taking enough credit for your hard work. It’s time to claim your success and trust in this tarot prediction for the week.

Tarot Predictions for the week

Cancer: Page of Wands

Just because you’re getting tired doesn’t mean you should give up, Cancer! Now is the time to be even more persistent. Perhaps you’re missing out on a minute detail. It is time to review and take a fresh look at your project. Good news is on the horizon and it’s time for you to celebrate very soon! Don’t be too serious about it. Life’s meant to be enjoyed and so while your dreams are coming true one by one, it is time for you to dance about and have a little fun!

Virgo: Eight of Pentacles

It’s going to be a bit tiring for you this week, Virgo! Just because it looks mundane doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. You know how to get things done with your perfectionism. This is just another step in that journey. Try to sail through by adding some fun elements here and there. You got this! Number 8 in this card also represents the near completion of something you put your heart and soul into. Hold on a bit more as you’re almost getting where you want to be. Make sure you focus on a good appetite to get through all the work this week.

Libra: Seven of Athames

This week doesn’t seem to be in your favor, Libra! Some disappointments are up ahead. Or shall I say more learning opportunities? Be aware of those whom you don’t trust. Your gut feeling is absolutely right all the time. Listen to what your gut is telling you. Getting deceived, however, is only a way of learning lessons. Maybe it’s time you understand what kind of people no longer belong in your life. It is time to let go of all the negativity for good this week.

Scorpio: Nine of wands

Persistence is your middle name Scorpio! You’re exhausted and understandably so. All that work and effort you put in is near to giving you the desired results but it has taken a toll on you. You may find yourself feeling useless and getting nowhere but you’re almost there! Nine is all about conclusions and endings. Maybe this is your time to stop doubting yourself. If more strength is what you seek, how about that extra nap during the day? Or, having some more food to nourish your body well for recovery from all the fatigue!

Sagittarius: The Star

It has been your time to shine for so long, Sagi that you’re almost getting used to all the fame! Yes, you have it all and your confidence speaks volumes about it. But all work and no play isn’t good for anyone. Find time to indulge in artistic endeavors this week to feel refreshed and renewed. Paint, dance, sing, or do absolutely anything your heart desires. A little creativity will go a long way to boost your spirits for the future. The Star card also reminds us to be ambitious and look forward to all things bright and twinkly!

Capricorn: The Sun

This week is good for you, Capricorn! The Sun card is here to remind you to reap all your hard work and shine like the diva you are! You name it and you got it. This is perhaps the best time for you to manifest anything at a much faster pace as your lucky charm is working faster than ever. Additionally, this card also represents bringing light to hidden things or aspects of your life. It’s time to embrace all your shadows and see through the purpose they’ve served so far to protect you and keep you from harm. Only then, can you truly step in the light.

Aquarius: Six of Chalices

Going down memory lane will be your strong suit this week, Aquarius! As one journey comes to an end with the Super Blue Moon last week, a part of you still wonders about all the ‘what ifs’. Maybe playing these parallel scenarios in your head provides you with a momentary relief. Contemplating what has changed and whether you wish to continue along with all the changes that have occurred in the present will offer you a good solution. That is if you’re looking for one. It’s good to be nostalgic sometimes as it gives us a lot of perspective!

Pisces: Ten of Athames

Things might not be going your way this week, Pisces! Closing to feeling exhausted and nothing materializing from your efforts might put you in a rock-bottom limbo. Additionally, you might face betrayal from your colleagues or family. It’s okay to take some time alone and reflect on things. Maybe, it is this time that will help you make better strategies in the future. We all need to retreat every once in a while. Consider this as an opportunity to not trust everyone with your confidential information and share too much with others. Your loving soul will get through this!

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