Message for the 6th Day of Navratri – 4th October 2019

Athena – Inner Wisdom
Aeracura – Blossoming

Today’s message for the day card came with a shadow card which is an additional and supportive message for you. This Navratri has been transformational since it began. Shifts have been happening at all levels so much so that they have been a little uncomfortable in the physical world as well.

Today’s message is a reassurance that you know what to do. You know exactly what needs to change and how you can do it. Trust your inner wisdom, there is no place of doubt here. Take action on your wisdom and intuitions because the more you delay, the more it will become painful and uncomfortable. 

Goddesses are giving you signs in your meditations, dreams and even when you are awake in the form of messages in print, radio, tv, and random things or sayings from people. It can seem a little overwhelming too.

So the Goddesses bring you an additional message that you are just getting started, have patience and do not give up. It may seem overwhelming and exhausting or scary right now but soon it’s going to feel okay. You will be happy about the changes you have been making in your life.

Meditations done in the early hours of morning or evenings will be most effective right now as that is the time it’s the quietest with little interference from others’ vibes and thoughts in the atmosphere. Bring some nature near you in the form of flowers or plants. Get in touch with your feminine side of nurturing and caring by being caring towards yourself. 

And most importantly, Trust Yourself. You are on the right track.

with Grace and Light
Meetu Sehgal

For in-depth and personal tarot readings, you can connect with me on 9953753637.
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