Healthy Blends

Healthy BlendsIts winter time and common cold is one of the most common problem in this season. As we all know that prevention is better than cure,  here is a home remedy for avoiding cold which my mother used to give us when we were young.

Ingredients                        Quantity

Fresh basil leaves                11 basil leaves
(Tulsi leaves)
Ginger (Fresh)                      3 or 4  small pieces
Lemon                                    Half lemon
Sugar or Rock candy          1/2 spoon or according to your taste
Water                                     1 and 1/2 cup water

Wash tulsi leaves and ginger pieces. Add ginger and tulsi leaves to the boiling water. When the water is reduced to one cup, strain your blend and add half lemon juice and sugar. Drink it hot.

It increases immunity and keeps common cold at bay.

Ritu babbar

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