
Happy Mothers Day 2024

Honoring the Sacred Mother: Unveiling the Meaning of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day. It conjures images of sentimental cards, fragrant bouquets, and maybe a brunch reservation. But beneath the surface of this Hallmark holiday lies a deeper wellspring of meaning. It’s a day to honor not just our mothers, but the very essence of motherhood – a force that shapes lives, nurtures souls, and embodies the […]

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How to survive the loss of a love

Book Review: How to Survive the Loss of a Love by Peter McWilliams, Harold H. Bloomfield and Melba Colgrove

ISBN: 9780931580437 Number of pages – 212 pages Publisher: Prelude Press Price: Rs. 458/- As all of you would have guessed by now this book is a self-help book to help you cope up with the loss of love in your life. But the thing which sets this book apart from the other self-help books

Book Review: How to Survive the Loss of a Love by Peter McWilliams, Harold H. Bloomfield and Melba Colgrove Read More »

Book Review: Losing My virginity and Other Dumb Ideas by Madhuri Banerjee

Just like everyone has a story of their first date, or their first crush, or even first sex, this book is all about Kaveri’s encounter with her ‘first love’, besides her books of course! This story is mainly set up in a Bengali backdrop, wherein Kaveri is portrayed as an independent and spirited woman living alone in a Mumbai apartment.

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Cut Your Cords

Cut Your Cords – Clear Your Attachments

If you have been feeling drained and exhausted off late especially after interacting with someone physically or over the phone or Internet, you may have negative energy cords attached to them. If you have a problematic association or interaction with someone and you are connected to them strongly on an emotional level, the cord cutting can help you immensely by clearing the negative energy and creating space for clearer communication.

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Roots of Relationship

Roots of Relationships

Relationships are an invitation for each one of us to dive and look inside of ourselves. A very real and practical ground for spirituality to flower within us and discover all shades, aspects of ourselves. With the busyness of our lives, and the habitual patterns we are caught up in, we often do not look tenderly and intimately within ourselves and see the undercurrent of our relationships. Are we innocent, vulnerable, genuine?  In a very simple human way, are we in connection with ourselves and the significant others in our lives?

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When a Man Falls in Love

When a Man Falls in Love – Understanding Relationships from a Man’s Perspective

Do you remember what it was like to first fall in love? Relationship expert James Bauer suggests that this wonderful feeling doesn’t have to stop. This is a great read, so please enjoy! The Light of His Life Here’s what it feels like to a man when he first falls in love with a woman. He

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Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?

Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?

Through life our paths are crossing paths with other people. From our parent to our children, from our brothers and sisters to our marriage partners. According to karmic teachings, we always meet the same souls, only under different masks and different roles. The soul goes through this cycle of physical incarnation because it has some

Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation? Read More »

3 mistakes that keep you stuck in unhappy relationships

3 Mistakes That Keep You Stuck And Unhappy In Relationships

1. Stuffed Closet Syndrome 2. Its not my Fault 3. Old wine in a new bottle 1. Stuffed Closet Syndrome What? Stuffed closet syndrome refers to the situation when we keep suppressing negative emotions, memories and past events in our relationships without really resolving them because its too painful or depressing or embarrassing to remember them

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