Tarot Predictions For September 2017


The month of September calls for spending some time alone and contemplating. Sit with yourself and meditate, focusing upon healing our worries and concerns. A lot of issue will come to the surface for healing and decisions ave to be made.

Work & Finance- You will feel good about yourself on the work front this month. A lot of completions are no the cards. Harmonious resolutions to conflicts on the workplace will be achieved.

Love-  Many will feel a need to protect themselves on the love front. There will be a sense of stagnation and dissatisfaction with your partner. Those who have just concluded any previous relationships or have gone through a break up will have a difficult time to move on. It is important to be patient with yourself and let go.

Health- Health will be good. Those who have been taking care of themselves and have made changes in the lifestyle will see fast results. It is important to continue and know that it is just the beginning. There is more yet to come.

Message from the angels- Angels want you to know that it is time to let go defensiveness. See yourself from the other person’s point of view. Try to understand someone else’s perspective.


This month is going to bring huge lessons, Learnings and completions in your life. It is going to be a very important month of this year. You will be evolving, and a lot changes are on the cards, especially around the full moon.

Work & Finance- You need to take things a little easy. Just let things happen on their own instead of trying to control things around you. Relax and be spectator. It is a good time to invest money in long term projects.

Love- Relationships will be very nurturing this month. Those looking for a passionate relationship will get exactly what they have wished for. It is important to create what you desire and stay grounded. Manifestations will be very rapid and instant on the love front.

Health- Health will be a cause for concern. Unresolved emotions like fear and anger will cause health problems. Therefore it is important to heal the rot cause of these emotions.

Message from the angels- Angels want you to know that there are many blessings in disguise in your present situation. Be open, embrace them and be grateful.

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This month asks for you take a balanced approach in all areas of your life, especially in the matters of love and relationship. Find a middle path, middle grounds. Time to make decisions.

Work & Finance- Take all your decisions with your gut feeling. You need to open up to your colleagues and subordinates. Let go of judgement and have compassion. Things will be pretty stable for you if there is a lot of uncertainty for anyone else in your environment.

Love- You will miss a lot of opportunities to spend some quality time with your partner if you stay preoccupied by your thoughts and fears. Overthinking will keep you in a state of inaction. It is important to heal your worries and concerns as it is time to take action and move forward. Time out for contemplation! Stay grounded.

Health- Health will depend on the kind of choices you make. You might even feel distracted by unhealthy options. Each and every step counts. There are a lot things out there in the universe which will keep you confused in order to achieve better health. Let go of any presuppositions and try to see things for as they are.

Message from the angels- Angels advise you to connect to the nature. Go out and spend time in parks and gardens. Spend time with animals. Use crystals to heal your life.


This month will be all about opening up being ready to learn and receive new ways. Embrace who you are, love and accept yourself deeply and completely. Let yourself shine!

Work & Finance- This month calls for Teamwork. Your goals will be successfully achieved only if you work with your colleagues and subordinates in harmony. Investments From the past will mature and will give profits.

Love- You will be siting and comparing  your relationship with others. It is important to know and understand that every relationship is unique. Comparing yourself and your partner with others around you will make situations worst. Instead embrace and be grateful for many unique qualities of each other. Respect yourself and your partner as an individual.

Health- you will be ignoring your health this month. Understand that your health will not improve by simply turning a blind eye to it. Accept and work towards better health by changing your lifestyle. Those suffering from chronic diseases will be released and will see improvements in your health condition.

Message from the angels- Angels advise you to do things which brings you joy and happiness. Avoid people and situation which doesn’t match your vibration. Laugh out loud more often!

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This month, yo will be understanding what do you really want to do with all the resources you have in your life for your personal growth and development. Enjoy all you have and be in the moment.

Work & Finance- Many of you will break away from restrictive, unwanted and monotonous jobs. A lot of changes will be seen on the work and finance front. Rest assured that everything is happening in its own divine timing and order. There is no need to rush. There will be a lot changes happening in your belief systems.

Love- Relationships will be good. You will feel hesitant to say out loud what is really in your heart. Go ahead and be honest. Let your loved one know how much you love them. Many will find a deeper soulmate connection with their partner.

Health- Health will be quiet unstable. Overthinking will be a major cause of concern. It is really very important to take good care of your vulnerable heart.

Message from the angels- Angels want you to understand the importance of nurturing yourself. Get some rest if you don’t have the energy to work. Avoid overstraining yourself. Be gentle with yourself.

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This is going to be an important month of the year for Virgos. Some important lessons and major completions are on the cards.

Work & Finance- There will be inflow of income this month. Thos e who were feeling that there finances were stagnant, will see some improvement on the financial front. You will be able to achieve your targets and goals if you work in small groups, helping each other at the workplace.

Love- Many have to make choices on the love front. Those having many choices and feeling confused have to make a decision. Important time for love and relationships. Choose wisely as this is going to create a major impact for the rest of your life.

Health- Meditation will prove beneficial for health. Those unable to see any improvements on the health front will be benefitted by yogic practices. Spend some time in pollution free environment. A retreat to hills and mountains will prove to be beneficial for health.

Message from the angels- Angels advise you to follow your true heart’s desire, especially in the matters of the heart. Close your eyes and without any doubt, walk towards your love. Do not delay. Go Now!


This month is all about maintaining a childlike spirit and learning new things. Explore and go out on new adventures. Many will Take a trip to a wonderful destinations.

Work & Finance- You will be settling for a lot less then what you deserve. It is okay to do so for now. Also keep looking for better opportunities. Soon you will find opportunities and rewards you deserve. Stay optimistic.

Love- You will find love in the most mundane and ordinary ways in life. Also it is important to appreciate the simple things. Appreciate your partner and loved ones for the most mundane and ordinary chores they do for you. Don’t forget to say ‘I love you’ with that.

Health- Health will be a cause for concern. It is important to express yourself through creative ventures in order to release trapped creative energies form the body. Otherwise, They will create ailments.

Message from the angels- Angels advise you to balance your home and career life. Create healthy boundaries in your home and work life.


You will be sitting and wishing for a lot of things this month. It is important to know that it is equally important to work towards your wishes and desires. Take those necessary steps towards your dreams.

Work & Finance- You will feel quiet restricted on the work front. Those in higher administrative positions will feel a need to control. Let goof these controls issues. It will restrict the growth of the organisation as well as your personal growth.

Love- There will be differences with your partner and your loved ones. There can be a lot of misunderstandings. Try to look at the other person’s perspective before starting an argument or getting into a quarrel. The one who speaks the most in an argument is the one most at fault.

Health- Health needs attention this month. There will be ailments related to throat. Focus on saying your truth fearlessly. Keep a check on your temper.

Message from the angels- Angels want to understand the importance of choosing peace. Remember that there is always a peaceful solution and alternative to any given situation. Peace is always an option in any given situation. Peacefulness elevates personal energy levels. Choose peace.


This month you will experience a tug of war within and in your environment. There is a split within your own being. Make peace with your own self.

Work & Finance- This month you will be performing your best on the work front. There is no scope leaving any stone unturned. Give your 100%. Work your magic. You will be demonstrating every bit of talent and potential you have within you out there. It is also important to stay grounded as well.

Love- There  will be major disputes and fights at home and on the love front. You will find yourself being too aggressive with your friends and your loved ones. Keep your guard down and heal any feeling of insecurity and fear.

Health- Over exertion will create health problems. Work as much as your body allows otherwise, you will definitely face a burnout.

Message from the angels- Angels want you to know that they are giving you a magical Midas touch. Everything you touch turns to gold now. Let go of worries and focus on your work and new projects. They also want you to know that it is safe to work on new projects.

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There will be a lot of new beginnings this month. A lot of opportunities will be seen specially on the work front. You will feel a burst of fresh energies to do a lot in your everyday life. You will also feel quiet open to help a lot of people around you.

Work & Finance- There will be differences of opinions on the work front. Meeting deadlines will be a  challenge but you will be able overcome obstacle with your personal efforts and past experience.

Love- You will be spending a lot time with family and friends in special get togethers. Some will be meeting old friends after a very long time. Long lost connections will be renewed.

Health- you will find yourself taking care of your health through yogic practices and meditations.  You will also find yourself counting your many blessings in life which will create a super positive impact on your health.

Message from the angels- Angels want you to focus on your home life as well as your professional life. Don’t get carried away with official burdens and tasks. Spending time at home and with your won self is equally important.


This month you will be making a lot of plans and imagine a lot of possible scenarios but will hardly do anything to make it into a reality. Time to take tangible steps to achieve your goals.

Work & Finance- A good month for the work front. Many of you will be promoted or rewarded for your efforts. Time to celebrate your achievements. But don’t get carried away. This is just the beginning!

Love- You will be love in most unexpected ways and in most unexpected places. Your family, friends and loved ones will be really very supportive, loving and caring. A happy time on the love front. Those who are single will find pure and total bliss in solitude. Those looking for partners will not be disappointed.

Health- You will be taking a wholistic approach towards a better health this month. Many of you will be moving to alternative therapies for ensuring speedy recovery. Many of you will be even travelling overseas for treatment and finding ways to ensure better health.

Message from the angels- Angels want you to know that you are worthy of receiving of what you want. Just be ready and open to receive with your open arms. You are supported by angels and can do anything you want. Go ahead! No more procrastination.

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This month you will be able to overcome a major obstacle which you have been dealing with for quiet sometime. You will also be a bee to have an in-depth understanding about your own being.

Work & Finance- You will be able to achieve a lot with a lot less effort. Remember that you are just one step away from what you desire. Now is not the time to sit back and relax. A few steps more and you will reach another milestone. Keep moving forward.

Love- You will be going to a lot of get together with your family, friends and loved ones. You will be meeting a lot of new people with pastille connections. Many will meet people who will be playing a major role in their lives in the future. Some will even may meet their significant other.

Health- Health will be a major cause of concern. But quick recovery is also on the cards. Keep check on the food and thoughts which you feed to your body.

Message from the angels- Angels want you know the importance of balancing your male and female energies. It is time to forgive a male who has hurt you in your life. It can be either your father, brother, husband or your son. You will find your present relationships will heal as you let go of any unforgiveness.

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