Tarot Predictions for the Week 18 December 2023- 24 December 2023


Letting go, reflecting, connecting, fulfilment, new horizons, major events, fast movements.

Aries: Ten of Pentacles

This week brings forth rewards and a sense of belongingness for you, Aries! As you move forward on your journey, be assured that things are working out in your favour! The number 10 signifies a sense of completion and so, you might witness a few fruitful endings paving the way for new beginnings at the same time. Getting older and wiser, you might find yourself nurturing that inner child of yours. If you’ve been making plans to do something for a long time, this week is the perfect fit for it! Go out, play, and have a little fun while the universe is making all your dreams come true.

Taurus: The Lady and the Lord

Also known as the lover’s card, the lady and the lord are here to symbolize big changes for you this week, Taurus! Worry not as these changes are all good. Perhaps you need to change a little perspective or wear someone else’s glasses for a while to understand the situation better. Finding balance in everything that you do is the key for your learning this week. Maybe if you’ve been too much in charge of things, this card is asking you to let go a little and see what happens. You never know how people might surprise you when there’s no one taking charge. Be open to things falling in place on their own and experience love in everything!

Gemini: The High Priest

It is time to share your knowledge and experience with others, Gemini! You never know whom it might benefit. At the same time if you’ve been imposing yourself on others, or being rigid about certain things to be true this is your sign to let go of all that. Life is ever-changing for everyone and maybe it’s time to embrace the new. While imparting what you know make sure you have an open mind to let other ideas come in and form creative magic to help you move forward. Major changes are coming for you as well. It’s time to set aside any concerns and engage in the moment completely.

Cancer: King of Chalices

You’re very much in your element this week, Cancer! Perhaps the much-awaited news is right around the corner and happy days are here for you finally! You’re full of abundance and have a sense of true joy flowing into your life on both personal and professional sides. The King is here asking you to enjoy what you have in your cup fully and be grateful for it. Maybe that’s the key for you to be moving forward. Allow yourself some time to celebrate with your loved ones whatever achievements are here. They may not be your achievements but there’s a theme of giving and receiving this week. Maybe this is how you shall receive the awards!

Tarot Predictions for the Week 18-24 December 2023

Leo: Seven of Wands

Putting things in their rightful place and enjoying what you do is truly inspiring Leo! You’re way stronger in your fire element this week and maybe getting a little closer to what you wish to have in life. There’s also a sense of perfectionism which you might need to let go of. Some things are perfect just the way they are even though you may think differently. Let the energy of the New moon that has passed us, remind you of how every cycle has a rhythm of its own and things are falling into place as they should. The bigger picture is not about you but you do play a role in it. Allow yourself to be grounded this week as you work through the magic!

Virgo: Eight of Athames

You’re scared to move ahead and perhaps things aren’t all bright and wonderful, Virgo! We hear you. Know that whatever is coming your way, you do possess the mind to deal with it. Your strategies and planning skills have been put to test earlier and you’ve come out with bright colours. This is just another phase which will pass soon. Your energies might feel low and you may need to cancel a few appointments but that’s not the end of the world. Don’t let the windy energy get to your head. You’re stronger than you think you are. Let there be light where you seem to struggling.

Libra: The Lord of Shadows

When things seem difficult, know that it is time to move on, Libra! This week, you’ll find yourself focusing on letting go of people or things that are no longer in alignment with your current self. But these are the steps one must take to make space for what’s to come in your life next. These endings are perhaps more upsetting than you thought. It’s time to let go regardless. Sometimes we are in the middle of things that don’t make sense but looking back at this moment in a few years you will have made peace with it. You will notice a creative burst as you deal with these situations. Let this energy flow in whatever way it chooses to express.

Scorpio: The Sidhe

Some plans didn’t work out as you thought they would but we can count on you Scorpio to improvise! As you deal with upcoming projects in your life, your attention to detail will help you go a long way. Receiving inputs from your environment will prove to be valuable for you this week. Focus on what you can do rather than making unrealistic plans. Change your course of action if something feels too overwhelming for you. A sense of calm will prevail for you this week as you navigate through different courses. Let this feeling of contentment remind you of the many things you’re grateful for!

Sagittarius: The Wheel of the Year

Sudden changes and rapid actions are on the horizon for you Sagi! Things are going to move faster than you can anticipate. You may have felt heartbroken or stuck for a long time but this card here is a sign that all that is going away very soon! Some good luck and happy news is here around Christmas for you. May this be the best jolly Christmas of your life! If you receive any opportunity that feels like a big break, be open to taking it as this is your chance to shine and move forward. Allow the good stuff to enter your life despite the gloomy weather your mind might have had for a while.

Capricorn: Knight of Chalices

You are being offered a rare chance, Capri! Take it! For some, this could be a proposal by their partners, for others it could be a work opportunity or a promotion of some kind. It also signifies a persistent approach to doing things the right way and being ethical. This is your reminder to not rush through things and have patience while your turn is coming. Make sure you have something to offer when you’re expecting others to be considerate of you. If you’re focusing on having a partner who is charming and attractive, make sure you appreciate those qualities in your own self first before heading out for a search. Patience has a lot to teach us if only one wishes to learn!

Aquarius: The Battle Wagon

Swift movements are here for you and success is at your doorstep Aquarius! This week is the perfect time to make your wishes come true. Focus on wanting the exact thing you want in your life and it shall be achieved faster than you can imagine. The battle wagon is showing you the way to move ahead with things and act on your words rather than getting lost in your dream world or what ifs. It’s time to execute your plans if you have upcoming events. Through your hard work and consideration, you will achieve success if you start moving now. Set aside your concerns as they no longer hold any power over you. You got this!

Pisces: Five of Chalices

Disappointments are a sign that perhaps we need to adjust our strategies a bit, Pisces! Whatever didn’t work out, wasn’t meant to and while you may struggle with adjusting to this thought for the week, it offers a lot of learning experiences for you. Maybe taking some time off to reflect on your plans and come up with different ones that are more realistic for you can work. However, it is tough to accept defeats, especially if you have all your eggs in one basket. Maybe it’s time to get a few more baskets then? But you don’t have to get these in one day. Rome wasn’t built in one day, so why would you put so much pressure on yourself? Count your blessings for this week; there’s more to the story than what meets the eye!

Deck:  Green Witch Tarot Deck

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