Heal Your Relationships with Violet Flame

What is Violet Flame?

Heal Your Relationships with Violet FlameEver wish there was a way you could wipe out your past mistakes? While you cant go back in time, the Violet Flame which is a Divine transformational tool, given to us by Ascended Master Saint Germain has the power to erase, or to transmute the cause, the effect and even the memory of our past mistakes. 

Transmutation means to change, to alter in form, appearance or nature. The Violet Flame changes negative energy into positive energy, darkness into light and fate into opportunity. The flame also erases the resultant bad karma of our mistakes.

Our past actions, both good and bad do come back to us. This is the Law of Karma. This impersonal cosmic  decrees that whatever we do comes to us full circle to our doorstep for resolution; simply, what goes around comes around.

In general, most people must pay their debt to life, or balance their karma, by selflessly reaching out and helping others, by working through misfortunes that come their way, or by passing through diseases or other forms of personal suffering. But it need not be so with the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is able to transmute or mitigate our negative karma before it comes back to us.

On physical level, the Violet Flame can help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to illness and disease. It also flushes out the body and aura (the energy field that surrounds your physical body), healing and cleansing anything from physical viruses to toxins and pollution. But the real cause of disease is often rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states.

Today we are discovering more and more about how our thoughts and emotions can affect our health. Research has shown that hatred and other negative thoughts and feelings often originate in emotional and psychological problems-emotionally distressing experiences which can go back to early childhood and even past lifetimes. The scars of old hurts and painful memories may be healed and dissolved when the healing balm of the Violet Flame is applied.

violet flame st germainHow the Violet Flame works?

The Violet Flame works by changing the vibrations. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation-the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom.

The Violet Flame works by changing vibrations on this level. Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can be stuck.

When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower and we begin to resonate more with negativity and less with light. We have a slower vibration and become less spiritual.

The Violet Flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising our vibration. When we have a higher vibration, there is more spiritual energy in our body.

Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when this spiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The Violet Flame frees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium, propelling you into a more spiritual state of being.

The Alchemist’s Dream

Violet Flame is a tool of self-transformation. Physical experiments in alchemy whereby base metals are transformed into gold are symbolic of what Violet flame does. In medieval times, alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold, using heat to separate the “subtle” from “gross”.

While there have always being alchemists attempted who sought to create wealth by transmuting base metals. This process of transmutation is symbolic of a higher and nobler Alchemy-the Alchemy of self-transformation. Alchemists of the Spirit did not seek physical wealth, but spiritual wealth. They sought to transform themselves into more spiritual beings, by becoming more loving, wise and compassionate.

The Violet Flame has the capacity to bring about this transformation by transmuting negative elements within ourselves. The Violet Flame has the unique ability to transform fear into courage, anxiety into peace and hatred into love. This is why knowledge of the Violet Flame has been so prized throughout the centuries. Alchemists of all ages have sought the mystical Philosopher’s Stone. Early Alchemists pored over minutely ciphered texts in search of this stone. For them it was worth a lifetime to decode the mystery of this Stone which symbolized the transmutation of lower animal nature into the highest and divine.

The coveted Philosopher’s Stone was not physical, but spiritual and created out of fire. Some Alchemists did discover the secret of the Violet Flame. According to Neo-Platonist chemists, the Philosopher’s Stone was a self-transforming fire that would lead their souls upwards, by drawing up to the spirit all qualities which dragged downward and opposed the spiritual essences. In the process, the “hard and refractory materials” in their bodies would be transmuted into a rare and more luminous material.

In this sacred experiment, they said the Alchemist would become “like the Gods”, pursuing “the gold of the wise and not the vulgar metal”. Transmutation, then, was not just a process which turned base metals into gold, but a spiritual process which raised the soul of unity with the Divine.

Violet Flame for Improving Relationships

Do you have a problem with a co-worker who irritates you? Do you have a relationship with a friend or family member that’s a little rocky? Or do you just want to nurture a relationship that’s going well? The violet flame can help you. It is able to transmute the negative energy of resentment, anger and blame because it has the vibration of mercy and forgiveness. You can use the violet flame to help take the rough edges off difficult relationships and harmonize your interactions with others.

Use the following exercise to focus the energy of the violet flame into any relationship you wish to improve. If visualization is difficult for you, just think about the words of the affirmations as you say them.

Before starting this exercise, you need to find a place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably in a straight chair, with your spine and head erect, legs and arms uncrossed and feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards.

STEP 1    Think of a relationship that you wish to improve.

STEP 2    Go within and consciously draw all your attention and energy to   the point of your heart. You may want to place your hand over your heart to help you focus your attention there.

STEP 3    Breathe deeply several times until you feel calm and centered.

STEP 4    Give the following prayer out loud.

By the power of the light and love within my heart,

I send forth Violet Flame to the heart of:


(Name of person to whom you are sending forgiveness)

I ask that the Violet Flame of forgiveness also be delivered by angels to everyone I have ever wronged and to everyone who has ever wronged me.


STEP 5   Concentrate on the image of the Violet Flame. Close your eyes and see this image in your mind.

STEP 6   Now see the violet flame surrounding and interpenetrating your heart.

STEP 7    Next, visualize sending the violet flame from your heart to the heart of the person with whom you are seeking resolution.

STEP 8    See this violet flame expand until you and this person are sealed in an ovoid of pulsating violet flame.

STEP 9    Continue your visualization while giving the following affirmations for about five minutes. Speak them out loud, rhythmically and energetically.

1.  I am loving, lovable and loved.

2.  I accept others for who they are and who they are not.

3.  I joyously forgive others and myself and I set myself free from the past.    I am at peace.

4.  I love and accept myself exactly as I am now.

5.  I attract loving relationships into my life.

6.  I love.  I am love.

7.  I respect and care about others.

8.  I am grateful for the people in my life.

9.  I deserve love in my life.

10. I love everything about myself.

STEP 10   Give the following prayer out loud.

“I am grateful, O God, for the release of light into this relationship. I ask that the action of the violet flame be expanded for the resolution of discord among all people on earth. Fill every heart with peace and mercy. Please protect me and all those serving the light. Let my prayers and affirmations be fulfilled according to your holy will.”

Observe the results:

1) The next time you see the person you’ve been praying about, notice any changes in your relationship.

2) Continue giving this exercise as long as needed to improve the relationship.

To those who have developed their spiritual insight, the Violet Flame appears as a physical Violet Fire. You may also able to see the Violet Flame at work with your inner eye, by concentrating on the spiritual center between your eyebrows.

The Violet Flame Attunement is a part of Seichem Level 1 and people who have taken this attunement has amazing experiences while working with the Violet Flame, both as a healer as well as a healee.

-Prince Sinha

Prince Sinha is a Tera Mai Seichem Teacher/Vedic Astrologer/Meta Physical Healer. You can contact him on  ps_26680@yahoo.co.in  or on mobile 09860258984.

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