Book Review: Manual of the Warrior of Light by Paulo Coelho

All of us have a buried voice within, telling us to take the leap and have faith it’s going to be okay. 

Warrior of Light
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But due to the conditioning of our minds from the very birth, we tend to ignore this voice. Seeking out help seems difficult to a few people at times, while just procrastinating or delegating the job is what others prefer to do. This absence of balance in our lives further distorts the perception of life. For some,

‘Life’s difficult!’
For a few others,
‘Life doesn’t seem to get better!’

With a novel like ‘The Alchemist’, author Paulo Coelho writes about another journey in the book ‘Manual of the Warrior of Light’. Most of us tend to evaluate the extreme negative possible outcomes beforehand while not many believe to visualize or consider the possibility of the best that can happen in a given situation. In this book, he just manages to get the readers open their minds to a possibility greater than their beliefs.  The storytelling technique used along with the short passages opening our minds and hearts to infinite possibilities is a different healing experience in itself. Paulo’s view of the Light warrior and its awakening in each one of us instills a sense of bliss and hope.

About the Author

Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Having attended Jesuit schools and being raised by Catholic parents, he was rebellious in nature. When he wanted to pursue a career in writing, his parents didn’t approve of it and even committed him to an asylum more than once. Even though he enrolled for law after getting out of institutional care, Paulo dropped out to live a hippie life, and went on to write song lyrics for Brazilian musicians protesting the country’s military rule.

At the age of 36, a spiritual awakening enraptured him while on a visit to Spain. That’s when he wrote his first book ‘The pilgrimage’.  From then on, he chose to be a full-time writer. He believes when he writes a book, he writes for himself, more like a personal account of something. Just as in the case of his first novel.

Me says:

I believe that the timing of everything in life is according to the needs of our subconscious minds. When I got this book, it was around last week of January 2018 and even though a new year brings new hopes, I was stuck on some memories of the previous year. Being hopeless isn’t the kind of thing I normally do, but this book was my cue of getting out of that state. Life surely doesn’t end with anyone’s departure but it does feel like ‘something’s missing’, when you get attached and that thing or person does go missing.

A little girl in me, a warrior perhaps, who had given up because she was tired of getting hurt again and again got an insight from this novel. As stated in the manual, and quoted below:

‘The warrior of light concentrates on the small miracles of daily life’

Sometimes, just a few words are enough to get you through the day. So whenever I’m feeling sad, I just open to one of the many small passages in this book, to remind myself that anything can happen only if I am willing to unlock the power within.

Not merely for an everyday message, this novel can also be read to set out on the road less travelled, or the spiritual path. A guide that leads you the unusual way, it adds to the many spiritual experiences I’m having on my journey!

‘Ever been to?’ Verdict

jal mahalSet amidst the Man Sagar Lake, Jal Mahal in Jaipur (Rajasthan) is surrounded by mountains at a distance, and green trees too. The possibility of having all the elements together just opens our mind similar to the experience while reading the Manual of the Warrior of Light. The mere vision of existence of such a beautifully crafted and planned structure sends jitters down our spines.

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