Author name: Geetikka Soni

GEETIKKA is a Certified Practitioner & Visionary in the field of Divination Sciences, Motivational Healing & Empowerment . Founder & Director of “The Karmaa Tree – Awakening Of Occult” . She is An Internationally Renowned Holistic Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Ace Astrologer, Rune Reader, Tarot Card Reader, Angel Card Reader & Healer, Ace Numerologist, Colour Therapist, Fengshui, Crystal Therapist, Name & Signature Analyst, Aura Reader. 9911775344


Divination With Magical Runes

[highlight]Runes reading – a magical oracle of divination sciences, Germanic ancient alphabets of magical symbols with very accurate insights, mystical & intuitive medium – it gives divine solutions and future guidance[/highlight] Runes are Ancient Viking symbols/ Alphabets carved into rocks, pebbles, Ceramic, Crystal or Wooden Tumbles – upon which Healing Symbols (Runic Alphabets [Nordic Alphabets]

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