Thank You Louise Hay for your Light


Louise Hay passed over on August 30th 2017. Her name needs no introduction. For the uninitiated, she was the woman who revolutionised our thinking about mind, emotions and body. She said it loud and clear – mind and body is connected – in more ways than we have previously known or imagined.

The author of the best-selling book You Can Heal Your Life, which has sold more than 50 million copies, she has been an example of someone personified self-love. She not only preached it, but practised it and taught millions around the world how to love? yourself. She taught the world about the healing power of affirmations and intuitive self-healing. She used these alternative methods as healing tools when she had cervical cancer.

Her journey and writings have paved way for many more to heal themselves, trust their inner self and most importantly, learn to love themselves.

Rest In Peace, Louise.

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