Tarot Predictions For January 2023 guided by Ancient Runes

Aries ZodiacAries

Work & Finance

New starts, new energies, and new ideas may help at work. Younger members at work may have an active role to play. You may think of new business ideas or think of joining a start-up. Try not to get into any unnecessary arguments or be difficult in any way.


Are you thinking of options in relationships or possibly between two love interests? Or are you feeling indecisive or at a stalemate with relationships? Think carefully or better still listen to your heart for guidance and create balance.


Health is stable and so are your finances/business so rest and relax. Be careful though of foods you eat and infections. This is a time of recovery and healing.

Guidance by Runes

A good month for abundance rewards for hard work and benefits. Spiritual and material wealth are both indicated.

TaurusTaurus Zodiac

Work & Finance

You may be judged and appraised for your work and promotions may be in the offing. There is a wait as destined actions take time. Do not be over-critical or judgmental of others at the workplace.


You are again in a place of duality in relationships too. Which option will lead to better stability and commitment? You may also have some financial decisions to be made with your partner/relatives. Be prudent but not at the cost of making others unhappy.


Are you being pulled in two different directions in terms of actions for your health or exercise options? Or you may need to balance your materialistic and spiritual life – be physically active but also balance your spiritual energies.

Guidance by Runes

Given your duality and indecisiveness, it is best you listen to your inner voice, intuition, or gut. The voice of wisdom and balance.

Gemini Zodiac


Work & Finance 

Surrender and wait patiently for divine intervention or guidance. Let things work out on their own and don’t force anything. Have faith.


Are you overthinking about losses or have gone into a pessimistic mindset? Or are you finding the maintenance of relationships expensive – whatever may be the reason, think of positive times and memories, there are no losses in relationships only experiences and lessons.


You are learning to become more peaceful leaving the past behind and moving to calmer shores. This is good, work on your mental peace.

Guidance by Runes

Centre yourself and operate from a place of strength. You have the inner strength to move from negative to positive vibes, thinking, and action. Be flexible and open.

Cancer Cancer Zodiac

Work & Finance 

Ask and you shall receive. Think, plan, network, and communicate for better results. Envision your future with practical details planned and be confident about them. Talk and share your thoughts confidently and pray to the divine for help. It is time for paperwork and practical details so be vigilant.


Have good times, and celebrate with family and friends, and the community at large. Be joyful and spread the joy. Not a time to sit and brood but be active and helpful, more so to women. Three maybe your lucky number this month.


Join an exercise regime with others or join a sport with others. Travel, be active and if you want to learn a new sport this is the right time. Explore and seek expert help to keep you in a positive and action-oriented frame of mind.

Guidance by Runes

Honor and be grateful for your inheritance – spiritual, emotional, and materialistic. You are helped always by your family and ancestors in this world or beyond. Enjoy their support.

Leo ZodiacLeo

Work & Finance 

Many thoughts, wishes, and dreams may leave you a little scattered. Daydream a little but don’t become confused. Pick and choose from your dreams to see what you want to focus on. Success is a mix of dreams and goals. Do not aim too high or be too idealistic, start slow and sure.


You are leading relationships and taking charge of them. You may attract strong and decisive people into your life. Be careful though of dominating and being overly authoritative as relationships are based on nurturing and emotions. Physical intimacy and short-term relationships may fructify…


Be careful about your temper, words, and impulsive actions. Do not overdo and overtire yourself physically. While it is a good time to be active, exercise and you will be full of energy, don’t overstrain yourself either. Take actions that are helpful short term and long term.

Guidance by Runes

Watch your patterns and karmic actions – you are repeating cycles and patterns so time to break past karmic cycles and ways of operating. You have the inner wisdom to guide you to better, more wiser paths and behavior.

Virgo ZodiacVirgo

Work & Finance

You are taking care of work well but do maintain a balance of work and personal life. Work is emotionally satisfying or not is something you can think about. Also do not make decisions about work in an emotional manner – wait for clarity.


Wait, be patient and build on relationships. Not a time of force or hurry. Take your time and steadily climb towards strong, long-lasting, and healthy relationships.


You are in a deeply introspective space and that is good. Seeking answers and going within or even searching for opportunities, past memories, and experiences and studying are ongoing trends. Clarity comes with search and sifting. The past may catch up with you so be serious but not pessimistic.

Guidance by Runes

Be a little spiritual and quieten down your mind to hear intuitive messages. Spend time in silence to know.

Libra ZodiacLibra

Work & Finance

Opportunities to make money, abundance, and to be also generous with it are all possibilities. Past life positive connections and opportunities from the past may emerge. Be grateful for the abundance and look after fellow mates.


You are gaining maturity and emotional balance. Make sure this is not just a mask or superficial but feel the growth within. Time for personal growth and parenting self and others. 


Stay clear of petty arguments and conflicts. Stay calm, and centered, and do not give in to the need to be argumentative or have the last word. Be assertive and walk away from unnecessary discussions for mental calm and peace 

Guidance by Runes

You will reap rewards for past performance and abundance will follow. Time of plenty, enjoy and share generously. 

Scorpio ZodiacScorpio

Work & Finance

Things may be a little unpredictable at work, finances, and the practical side of life. Go with the flow and do not get too perturbed as what goes down also comes up. Be prepared, strategize and face changes at the workplace, with colleagues with strength


Relationships are in harmony within the family and the home feels good. Keep the peace and happiness with family members with positive actions and words


Enjoy time with family and friends. You are in a good space emotionally and making others happy makes you happy too. Have fun and celebrate. Health is good if you are feeling emotionally boosted

Guidance by Runes

You are succeeding and gaining rewards and recognition. Enjoy your small and big wins equally.

Sagittarius ZodiacSagittarius

Work & Finance

Work is not in a good space, and you are feeling a little gloomy and disappointed. Some things that you had hoped for have not worked out, but this is not the end. Change your pessimistic thoughts and see the good in your work, colleagues, and workplace. Manage your expectations, things are not as bad as you feel. 


Women’s influences are good and make you feel stable and nurturing. Or you are playing that role for others and that is helpful to you and them. Stable and maturity are the themes for your relationships so tend them well even as you receive them


Your emotional state is good, you are feeling in control and command so translate that to all walks of life. Feel good about work and relationships and watch them change. Do what makes you happy and seek joy in small pleasures and your personal life

Guidance by Runes

Travel within and physically to feel better and create a more active and positive environment. Travel will do you good so enjoy small or long trips. Journey within to see how you can make your daily life better too

Capricorn ZodiacCapricorn

Work & Finance

Busy and active times at work. You may get physically tired so build your strength and stamina. Don’t lose patience and gear up for work ahead


You may be having close interactions with children or younger family members, and these are good. Also, a time to make fresh starts in relationships, and build more stable foundations for the future. Look at relationships with new eyes


If a parent, children, or younger family members may need some care. Look after your inner child too, any childhood hurts or pains only bring us down so heal that hurt inner child. Seek help and therapy if needed. 

Guidance by Runes

You are starting new chapters with a new mindset. Plans that had not worked out in the past may manifest now. Stay positive and joyful, bringing sunshine to yourself and others

Aquarius ZodiacAquarius

Work & Finance

You are in a more mentoring role at your workplace, the motherly figure caring and tending to colleagues and work responsibilities. However, do also ask yourself is your work making you feel emotionally satisfied and nurtured. Female, older figures will be of help to you too. 


You are walking away from toxic relationships and people. Past is in the past so walk away with your lessons but head out to better emotions and nurturing relationships 


What are you feeling trapped about?  Are you feeling caged or overwhelmed by expectations around you or is it just your mental narrative holding you down? There is always a way out, no one can cage you or hold you back forcefully. You are free so let your wings fly and feel more peaceful. Take the actions needed for better health and be decisive in your own care

Guidance by Runes

Happy times, jubilation and inner happiness are powerful triggers and catalysts so allow yourself to feel liberated and joyful. Seek happiness actively

Pisces ZodiacPisces

Work & Finance

New journeys, literally and figuratively would make you feel more confident and optimistic. Make new starts find new opportunities or even new jobs with hope. If starting a new business or thinking of one, be optimistic but not foolhardy. Watch out for making any impulsive decisions through over idealism


Your past hurts and psychic wounds are haunting you a little in making healthy relationships so watch out for making them more important than they should. Sudden changes in relationships or disruption may happen caused maybe by your negative thought patterns so come to a healed, more healthy space internally


You are feeling active and being active. Run, walk, exercise, play sports and have fun. Just be a little cautious of overconfidence and impulsiveness and take decisions that benefit long term too. Definitely a time for action and becoming physically active. You may hear good news/breakthroughs on the health front

Guidance by Runes

Engage with fellow human beings more compassionately, in a more evolved way and you will gain too. Time to move from baser instincts to more humanitarian ones. Collaborate and cooperate to receive help. No man is an island so collaboration is key.

Read our blog Tarot – A tool for Guidance here.

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