Tarot for Shadow Work: Facing Your Darkness for Personal Transformation

We all have a shadow self. It’s the part of us that harbors our deepest fears, desires, and the aspects of ourselves we deem unacceptable. This shadow can manifest in negative ways, like self-sabotage, anger outbursts, or social anxieties. But within the shadow also lies immense potential for growth and self-discovery. This is where shadow work with tarot cards comes in.

What is Shadow Work?

Carl Jung, the renowned psychologist, coined the term “shadow.” He believed the shadow is an unconscious archetype containing repressed thoughts, emotions, and instincts. These repressed aspects can stem from childhood experiences, societal pressures, or simply parts of ourselves we deem “unworthy.”

Shadowwork is the practice of bringing these unconscious aspects into conscious awareness. By acknowledging and integrating our shadow, we can heal old wounds, release negative patterns, and unlock a more authentic, empowered version of ourselves.

Why Use Tarot for Shadow Work?

Tarot, with its rich symbolism and archetypal imagery, is a powerful tool for shadow work. The cards act as mirrors, reflecting our inner landscapes and prompting us to explore hidden aspects of ourselves. Each card holds a wealth of meaning that can resonate with our unique experiences and emotional states.


Here are some reasons why tarot is particularly well-suited for shadow work:

  • Archetypal Language: Tarot speaks the language of archetypes, universal symbols that hold deep meaning across cultures. These archetypes can tap into our subconscious, revealing patterns and themes that might otherwise remain hidden.
  • Non-Judgmental Space: Tarot readings provide a safe and non-judgmental space to explore difficult emotions and experiences. The cards don’t judge us for our shadow aspects; they simply offer insights and guidance for integration.
  • Active Participation: Shadow work with tarot cards is an active process. By shuffling the deck, choosing cards, and interpreting their messages, we become engaged participants in our own self-discovery journey.

Shadow Work Spreads

There are many different tarot spreads you can use for shadow work. Here are a few popular ones:

  • The Shadow Spread: This simple three-card spread reveals your shadow self (card 1), a hidden strength within the shadow (card 2), and a way to integrate the shadow into your life (card 3).
  • The Inner Child Spread: This five-card spread explores your wounded inner child (card 1), its unmet needs (card 2), a message from your inner adult (card 3), how to heal the inner child (card 4), and the potential outcome of inner child healing (card 5).
  • The Light vs. Shadow Spread: This two-card spread compares your outward persona (card 1) with your shadow self (card 2) to gain insights into how you project yourself to the world versus your true inner nature.

Shadow Work Tips with Tarot Cards

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your shadow work with tarot cards:

  1. Set an Intention: Before beginning your reading, set a clear intention for your shadow work. What aspect of your shadow do you want to explore? What do you hope to learn or achieve?
  2. Journaling: Keep a shadow work journal. Before your reading, write down any thoughts, emotions, or recurring patterns you’ve been experiencing. After the reading, journal about the cards you drew,  their interpretations, and how they resonate with your shadow self.
  3. Active Imagination: After drawing your cards, spend some time with them visually. What emotions do they evoke?  Are there any details in the artwork that resonate with you? Use active imagination to create a story or dialogue based on the cards.
  4. Self-Compassion: Shadow work can be challenging. It’s important to approach yourself with compassion and understanding. Don’t judge yourself for your shadow aspects; simply acknowledge them with curiosity and a willingness to heal.
  5. Integration is Key:  The ultimate goal of shadow work with tarot cards isn’t just awareness, it’s integration. Once you’ve identified a shadow aspect, explore how you can integrate it into your life in a healthy way. This might involve setting boundaries, expressing repressed emotions, or developing a new skill.

Examples of Shadow Work with Tarot Cards

Let’s look at an example of how shadow work with tarot cards might work in practice.

Scenario: You keep finding yourself in arguments with loved ones. You feel frustrated and misunderstood.

Shadow Spread

Shadow Spread:


Card 1 (Shadow Self): The Devil

The Devil can represent control issues, possessiveness, and a tendency to manipulate situations. This card might suggest that your shadow self is afraid of intimacy and connection, leading to arguments as a way to push people away.

Card 2 (Hidden Strength): The Star 

The Star represents hope, faith, and a connection to something greater than ourselves. This card might suggest that your shadow self, despite its fear of intimacy, also holds a deep desire for genuine connection.

Card 3 (Integration): Strength 

Strength signifies compassion, gentleness, and the ability to control our inner demons. This card might suggest that to integrate your shadow, you need to cultivate more compassion for yourself and others, learning to communicate your needs assertively but kindly.

Journaling and Action:

After receiving this spread, you might journal about past experiences of feeling misunderstood and how they relate to your fear of intimacy. You could explore ways to express your needs more clearly and openly in your relationships. Perhaps this involves practising active listening, setting healthy boundaries, or simply communicating from a place of vulnerability rather than anger.

Another Example:

Scenario: You have a constant underlying feeling of anxiety that you can’t quite pinpoint.

Light vs Shadow Spread:

Light vs Shadow Spread

Card 1 (Light): The Hierophant 

The Hierophant represents tradition, structure, and following the rules. This card might suggest you project an image of someone who is organized and dependable.

Card 2 (Shadow): The Fool 

The Fool represents spontaneity, adventure, and embracing the unknown. This card might reveal a shadow aspect of yourself that longs for excitement and freedom from routine, which you might be suppressing out of fear of the unknown.


Based on this spread, you might realize that your anxiety stems from a conflict between your desire for stability and a repressed desire for adventure. Integration could involve incorporating some playful spontaneity into your life, perhaps trying a new hobby or taking a weekend trip. It’s about finding ways to honour both the responsible and playful aspects of yourself.

Shadow Work is a Journey

Shadow work with tarot cards is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal transformation. It’s a journey of self-acceptance, integration, and ultimately, becoming the most authentic version of yourself. Remember, the shadow is not something to be feared, but rather a part of you to be acknowledged, understood, and embraced. As Jung said, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” So, shuffle your deck, set an intention, and embark on your own shadow work adventure.

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