Shradh Paksha: A Time for Ancestral Healing

Understanding Shradh Paksha

Shradh Paksha, a fortnight-long period of mourning and remembrance, is dedicated to honoring one’s ancestors. It is believed that during this time, the spirits of ancestors visit the earthly realm to receive offerings and give blessings to their descendants. The ritual is rooted in the belief that honoring ancestors is essential for spiritual progress, family well-being, and overall harmony.  

Dates for Shradh Paksha in 2024

The specific dates for Shradh Paksha vary each year, depending on the lunar calendar. For 2024, the shradh begins on September 17th and ends on October 2nd.

Shradh Paksha

Significance of Shradh Paksha

  1. Honoring Ancestors: The primary purpose of Shradh Paksha is to pay homage to one’s ancestors and express gratitude for their contributions. It is believed that by honoring ancestors, individuals can ensure their spiritual well-being and the prosperity of future generations.  
  2. Relieving Ancestral Distress: According to Hindu beliefs, ancestors who are not properly remembered or honored may experience suffering in the afterlife. Shradh Paksha provides an opportunity to offer prayers and perform rituals to alleviate any ancestral distress and ensure peace.  
  3. Seeking Blessings: By honoring ancestors, individuals can seek their blessings and guidance. Ancestors are believed to have a deep connection to the divine and can intercede on behalf of their descendants.  
  4. Strengthening Family Bonds: Shradh Paksha is a time for families to come together and strengthen their bonds. It provides an opportunity for individuals to connect with their roots and appreciate the sacrifices made by their ancestors.  

Rituals and Offerings

During Shradh Paksha, various rituals and offerings are performed to honor ancestors. These may include:  

  • Pind Daan: This is a significant ritual involving the offering of cooked rice balls to the ancestors. It is believed that these offerings help to nourish the ancestors and ensure their well-being.  
  • Tarpan: This ritual involves offering water to the ancestors while invoking their names. It is believed that the water helps to quench their thirst and alleviate their suffering.  
  • Shraddha: This is a general term for the rituals performed during Shradh Paksha. It can include various offerings, prayers, and ceremonies.  
  • Feeding the Hungry: Many people believe that feeding the hungry during Shradh Paksha is a way to honor their ancestors and ensure their well-being.  
  • Visiting Ancestral Places: Visiting ancestral homes, temples, or other significant places is a common practice during Shradh Paksha.

Ancestral Healing: A Deeper Dive

While Shradh Paksha is a time for honoring ancestors, it also presents an opportunity for ancestral healing. Ancestral healing is a process of addressing unresolved emotional or energetic patterns that may have been passed down through generations.


Why is Ancestral Healing Important?

  • Breaking Negative Patterns: Some patterns we create in this lifetime and some we carry from our past lives. This also includes the patterns that come from our grandparents and grand-grand parents etc. There can be positive or negative. Ancestral healing can help to break these negative patterns that may be affecting individuals’ lives. These patterns can manifest as various issues, including health problems, relationship difficulties, or financial struggles.  
  • Healing Emotional Wounds: Ancestral healing can help to heal emotional wounds and curses that may have been passed down through generations. These wounds can manifest as anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues.  
  • Strengthening Family Connections: Ancestral healing can help to strengthen family connections by fostering a deeper understanding of one’s ancestors and their experiences.  

How to Practice Ancestral Healing

  • Explore Your Family History: Learning about your family history can help you to connect with your ancestors and gain a deeper understanding of their experiences.
  • Practice Gratitude: Expressing gratitude for your ancestors can help to create a positive connection with them.
  • Meditate: Meditation can help you connect with your ancestors on a spiritual level and release any negative energy associated with them.  
  • Seek Professional Help: If you are struggling with ancestral healing, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or spiritual counselor.
  • Ancestral Healing Courses: Such courses offer therapeutic and learning advantages. You can attend them to understand and heal your patterns as well as in some cases, learn how to do the healing. 


Shradh Paksha is a significant time for honoring ancestors and seeking their blessings. By understanding the significance of this period and engaging in appropriate rituals and practices, individuals can strengthen their connection to their ancestors and promote their spiritual well-being. Additionally, exploring the concept of ancestral healing can provide a deeper understanding of how past experiences may be influencing the present and offer tools for personal growth and transformation.  

Join Us for Our Live Talk Show on Ancestral Healing

To delve deeper into the topic of ancestral healing and explore practical techniques for personal transformation, we invite you to join us for our upcoming live talk show. Our expert speakers will share their insights and guidance on how to connect with your ancestors, heal ancestral wounds, and create a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

 Register Here for the FREE Talk on Ancestral Healing

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