Practice Spirituality for Personal Growth

Practice Spirituality for Personal GrowthGrowth and evolution are two significant goals of becoming more spiritual. Yet without or with any particular spiritual hard work, people continue to grow and evolve. This kind of drive is programmed to the very nature of all of the life- a natural pull toward evolution, growth and transformation. 

If everything is occurring by itself, why not just shore next to for the ride? Why get all are involved with the learning and how to carry out varieties of spiritual practices? The reasons are:

  • By purposely doing the spiritual practices, you dynamically support the personal growth and so working in accord with the world.
  • Growth is essentially challenging no matter how you can do, but if you are working in the world, the progress will be more fruitful and smoother. The world will not need to throw endless challenges and disasters to the life to force for growing. At the same time, life becomes more exciting and more peaceful.
  • The determination and focus can absolutely help to achieve the goal, but it is so significant to practice habits, which are helpful to becoming spiritual or healthy. If you need to become healthy, you have to know which types of foods are good to eat, how much water that have to drink, and how much of exercise will assist to keep the body in good shape. At the same way, if you are seeking for spiritual telling, you need to know what disciplines, qualities and practices and which will guide to make thoughts, choices and actions which reveal the spiritual nature.
  • Knowing and Empowering what you need

Both of the aspects are necessary and must come jointly- the guidance and wisdom to go in the correct direction and the power for moving in the direction.

Doing Practices for Body, Spirit and Mind

You can use the spiritual practices to strengthen, elevate, and purify the body, spirit, and mind. All of these are connected. 

  • Practices to the Body: These contains breathing exercise, energy balancing and yoga postures. 
  • Practice for the Mind: These kinds of practices include contemplation, meditation, study of spiritual teaching, repetitions of mantras and affirmations and all of which polish the mirror of the mind and so it may reflect the divine light more brightly and clearly. 
  • Practices for the spirit: These types of practices contains prayer, reverential rituals, singing and chanting of hymns and other devotional hard work which invigorate the love, surrender, willpower and faith. 

Strengthening the WillPower

Spiritual disciplines test and strengthen the willpower. As an example, you may have to meditate for half an hour every morning, but some mornings you need to sleep in or need to think about quitting the meditation early for having a nice breakfast. So these willpower struggles and give the chance to improve the power of self-control.

Assume you are considering completing the meditation early to have the breakfast. You are sitting gently, watching the breath, repeating the mantra, quieting the mind, and watching the thoughts. 

The significant matter that we have to notice that the point where meets the pull of needed object. This instant is painful but magical- in which one you can use the intention and willpower to create a new pattern and strengthen to resolve.

In this middle of the inner struggle, there arrives a time that you can just about to provide in. In this instant, you may take the control by using the force of the willpower for saying “no” to the need. You may stay focused in the promise to meditate for the entire half hour. This is just same as that exercising the muscles or the mind. All time you have to conquer the pull of the sense, you have to become more in charge. 

You may apply the same method to other kind of willpower situations like maintaining an exercise program and quitting smoking. The point is to create a decision and respect it, keeping the word by you. This regards remaining stable even over the number of mountains and hills of temptation which arise to test the strength. 

Practicing for Being Happy

You can create the habit of being happy by practising for being happy. This is not on deception or fooling others or yourself but in its place, tapping to a wonderful spiritual and quality law of life. The outer expressions and inner being reproduce one another:

  • If you will feel happy inside, it shows up in all that you can do.
  • At the same way, stating happiness apparently also influence the state of mind, developing greater happiness inside you.


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