A Message for Valentine’s Day

February is the month when the nature begins to stir and revive its glory and beauty after the dark night of winter. Everything begins to seem fresh and new just like it happens when you are in love. The world seems rosy and everyone seems pleasant and happy just because you are happy. February’s theme “Love is in the Air” echoes this feeling which courses through the heart and there is an urge to reach out and touch the beauty in this creation.

What makes love so beautiful? It is not someone else who unlocks your love; it isn’t their nature or beauty. It’s their willingness to look deep inside you where all the love is hidden and stored but scared to be expressed. It is in the comfort of knowing that no matter what, you are accepted, you can be yourself in the company of that loved one.

Love seems beautiful because it accepts wholeheartedly with no conditions whatsoever. When it is received from outside it seems beautiful and fulfilling, yet that love is simply a reflection of the vast reservoir of love we have inside of us waiting to be expressed. The highest form of love is self-love. When you start loving yourself like you would love your beloved, you become your own lover, you accept yourself with all your shortcomings and all your quirks. You take care of the small things about you. When that happens, you become so full of love and gratitude that this love starts pouring out of you and reaching out to everyone around you. You become the shining lamp that you are. There is no more fear to express your love, beauty, divinity and power. There is no ego, no arrogance, no games, no politics. Life becomes simple.

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day this month, lets not forget the one person who deserves our love the most – Ourself. Buy yourself a nice gift, celebrate yourself, do something for yourself, which truly makes you happy. Meditate, workout, shop, eat good food, read a good book, watch a movie and be yourself. Let this be the one-day when you drop all your masks of trying to be acceptable and just be yourself. Celebrate love in its purity for what it is. Let not love be a game to get what you want from someone.

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