Author name: Namrata

Namrata is a lost wanderer who lives amidst sepia toned walls, fuchsia curtains, fairy lights and shelves full of books. When not buried between the pages of a book, she loves blowing soap bubbles. Follow her bookish confessions at

How to survive the loss of a love

Book Review: How to Survive the Loss of a Love by Peter McWilliams, Harold H. Bloomfield and Melba Colgrove

ISBN: 9780931580437 Number of pages – 212 pages Publisher: Prelude Press Price: Rs. 458/- As all of you would have guessed by now this book is a self-help book to help you cope up with the loss of love in your life. But the thing which sets this book apart from the other self-help books […]

Book Review: How to Survive the Loss of a Love by Peter McWilliams, Harold H. Bloomfield and Melba Colgrove Read More »

No Mud, No Lotus

Book Review: No Mud, No Lotus – The Art of Transforming Suffering by Thich Nhat Hanh

In this extraordinary book, one of the world’s most renowned Zen Buddhist masters teaches us how to find happiness by getting past suffering. He shows us how the only way to do this is by acknowledging and transforming suffering, not running away from it. He shares with us the practices of stopping, mindful breathing a

Book Review: No Mud, No Lotus – The Art of Transforming Suffering by Thich Nhat Hanh Read More »

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