Your Lucky and Unlucky Directions According to Feng Shui
Your Lucky and Unlucky Directions According to Feng Shui Read More »
The basic directions are 4—North, South, East and West. In Fengshui each direction is associated with a specific element, celestial animal and a particular colour. The correct knowledge of these enables us to energize the various directions in an appropriate manner. North is attributed to the element water and its symbolic animal is tortoise. The
In Feng Shui the five elements fire, water, metal, earth and wood are mutually related to the eight directions of the compass. Together they show us how to activate your luck. Each direction is associated with an element and an area of your life. The eight directions are: South North East West South West North West
Interior decoration is primarily concerned with the appropriate use of space, light and colour to create a perfect atmosphere for various activities such as sleeping, dining and working. Fengshui is primarily concerned with the location of ch’i to enhance the potential of the occupants. If the interior decoration is done keeping the Fengshui principles in