Faith- An Anchor of Life
Happy are men anchored on fixed belief In this uncertain and ambiguous world, Or who have planted in the heart’s rich soil One small grain of spiritual certitude. Happiest who stand on faith as on a rock. […]
Happy are men anchored on fixed belief In this uncertain and ambiguous world, Or who have planted in the heart’s rich soil One small grain of spiritual certitude. Happiest who stand on faith as on a rock. […]
It was my threshold of adolescence, when I started to find new meanings, new definitions for what I observe…what I experience. It was her, so rude to my eyelashes, helping me feel the change. Well I believe that was not the change…it was something never felt before….it was different. I liked her eyes….her apparels…her whispers.
Its winter time and common cold is one of the most common problem in this season. As we all know that prevention is better than cure, here is a home remedy for avoiding cold which my mother used to give us when we were young. Ingredients Quantity Fresh basil leaves 11 basil leaves (Tulsi leaves)
Affirmations are positive statements used for visualization and manifestation of goals. They are tools for defining our goals. They give clear cut directions to the universal energy to set in motion and bring out the positive results. The word affirmation means confirmation of anything established or the act of affirming as true or a positive
The following letter is worth reading; please do so when you have a few minutes! A wonderful letter written by a father to his children! I am writing this to you because of 3 reasons: 1. Life, fortune and mishaps are unpredictable; nobody knows how long they live! Some words are better said early! 2.
Yeh Mausam Ka Jadu Hai Mitwa, Nahi Dil Pe Kabu Hai Mitwa… So goes the popular bollywood number aptly describing the flavour of the spring season. Trees are already shedding their leaves and the breeze is swiftly sweeping them away as if preparing to welcome the king of seasons–“Ritu Raj Basant”. Bright green soft new
Love is life, love is trust. Love is friendship, love is faith. Love is prayer, love is blind… Love is it? Love it is. In your eyes i see, the deep sea of love In your face i have, the trust of a friend.. In your voice i feel, the sweetness of life,
Mauni Amavasya this year falls on 2nd of February, the fifteenth day of the dark midnight of Magh. This is the most important day to practice self-control and to look within ourselves. Mauna or observing silence is derived from the word ‘muni’-the one who remains in silence. Silence here is not only of the speech
“Arise, Awake and Stop not, Till the goal is reached” — said Swami Vivekananda. Following his words, let us sharpen our skills and awaken our strength to make every task possible. IMPOSSIBLE—is a negative thinking force which blocks our positive efforts. Impossible is a favourite word for a negative thinker. A negative thinker is one
Everyone of us wants to be happy and blissful but happiness has different meanings for different people… In my point of view nothing big will happen to make you Happy. Even small things can make you happy–A smile on the face of a roadside child when you offer him or her a packet of biscuit.
If you are in a painful relationship or know someone who is, you are aware that true love can bring with it a lot of suffering, especially after one of you has decided to break it off. We all know the more obvious methods of releasing someone’s memory from our lives: cutting ties, cutting all
Umpteen articles talk about ‘tips’ on Dating, on Relationships, on how to please your Man/Woman and so on. But do we really abide by them? Forget about abiding, do we even remember the so called tips? Is love a book, some science, which can be read, analyzed, explained, and then implemented? Are human emotions so
Like many other people I also face the problem of excess weight. I have been underweight during my teenage and have had ideal weight in my twenties and thirties. But it’s a completely different story after forty. Since the last few years I have been accumulating excess fat slowly and gradually. In June 2010, I
The greatest challenge for anyone is the annihilation of the Ego. The ego is illusory but while it is there, it haunts, taunts and persecutes all of us. Here’s a Zen story that illustrates the influence of ego. The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a national hero for his success as both a